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SQL以获取group by的最大日期

[英]SQL to get max date with group by

I have a transaction table something like this ... 我有一个像这样的交易表......

Subject_id | Question_id | Answerd_id | Student_id | Answer_text | Insert_DTM
5005       | 3004        | 1004       | 1309       | test        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42
5005       | 3005        | 1005       | 1309       | test        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42
5005       | 3004        | NULL       | 1309       | Null        | 2018-05-31 12:09:43
5005       | 3002        | NULL       | 1309       | Null        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42
5005       | 3005        | 1005       | 1309       | test        | 2018-05-31 11:35:47
5005       | 3005        | 1005       | 1309       |             |2018-05-31 11:36:37

From this table I have to find out most recent answered row for a student and subject id. 从这张表中我必须找出一个学生和主题id最近回答的行。

The SQL I am using .. 我正在使用的SQL ..

SELECT subject_id, 
FROM   exam_trans 
WHERE  student_id = 1309 
       AND subject_id = 5005 
       AND insert_dtm IN (SELECT Max(insert_dtm) 
                          FROM   exam_trans 
                          WHERE  student_id = 1309 
                                 AND subject_id = 5005 
                          GROUP  BY question_id) 
GROUP  BY subject_id, 
ORDER  BY answer_id, 
          question_id DESC 

But As output I am getting 但作为输出我得到了

Subject_id | Question_id | Answerd_id | Student_id | Answer_text | Insert_DTM
5005       | 3004        | 1004       | 1309       | test        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42
5005       | 3005        | 1005       | 1309       | test        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42
5005       | 3004        | NULL       | 1309       | Null        | 2018-05-31 12:09:43
5005       | 3002        | NULL       | 1309       | Null        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42

3004 is appearing twice in the output , but my expected output is 3004在输出中出现两次,但我的预期输出是

Subject_id | Question_id | Answerd_id | Student_id | Answer_text | Insert_DTM
5005       | 3005        | 1005       | 1309       | test        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42
5005       | 3004        | NULL       | 1309       | Null        | 2018-05-31 12:09:43
5005       | 3002        | NULL       | 1309       | Null        | 2018-05-31 12:07:42

3004 should come once with recent timestamp only.... 3004应该只有一个最近的时间戳只....

Can any one help me out with the proper SQL... 任何人都可以帮助我正确的SQL ...

I am using Oracle RDS in AWS 我在AWS中使用Oracle RDS

for this is better use ROW_NUMBER() 为此更好用ROW_NUMBER()

             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTION BY Question_id, Subject_id
                                ORDER BY Insert_DTM DESC) as rn
      FROM exam_trans 
      WHERE  student_id = 1309 
        AND  subject_id = 5005 
WHERE rn = 1

You appears to want : 你似乎想要:

select e.*
from exam_trans e
where Insert_DTM = (select max(e1.Insert_DTM)
                    from  exam_trans e1
                    where e1.Subject_id = e.Subject_id and
                          e1.Question_id = e.Question_id

You can use sub-query and row_number(). 您可以使用子查询和row_number()。

https://stackoverflow.com/a/10515397/7328059 should answer your question. https://stackoverflow.com/a/10515397/7328059应该回答你的问题。

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