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[英]How to add data of a row to another row when two rows have the same first value

I have array like this: 我有这样的数组:

array = [['page', 'pageviews'],
         ['page1', '65'],
         ['page2', '44'],
         ['page1', '40']]

How can I make the script to go through rows and make one row with 'page1' and sum two values '65' and '40' together. 如何使脚本遍历行并使用'page1'进行一行处理,并将两个值'65'和'40'求和。

Using pandas (you say you're open to using this in the comments), this becomes pretty straightforward: 使用熊猫(您说您愿意在评论中使用它),这变得非常简单:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(array[1:], columns=array[0])
df['pageviews'] = pd.to_numeric(df.pageviews)
summed = df.groupby('page').pageviews.sum()

This produces the following Pandas Series: 这将产生以下熊猫系列:

page1    105
page2     44

Which you can easily index using the page name: 您可以使用页面名称轻松对其进行索引:

# 105

At its core, this is a grouping problem. 从本质上讲,这是一个分组问题。 Grouping is easy with a defaultdict : 使用defaultdict可以很容易地进行分组:

from collections import defaultdict

sums = defaultdict(int)
for page, views in array[1:]:
    sums[page] += int(views)

# result: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'page1': 105, 'page2': 44})

If you want the result to be in the same format as you input (a list of lists), convert the dict to a list with a list comprehension : 如果您希望结果与输入的格式相同(列表列表),请将dict转换为具有list comprehensionlist comprehension

result = [[page, views] for page, views in sums.items()]
# result: [['page1', 105], ['page2', 44]]

Here's a solution using pandas : 这是使用pandas的解决方案:

import pandas as pd

# read list of lists into pandas dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(array[1:], columns=array[0])

# convert views from string to integer
df['pageviews'] = df['pageviews'].astype(int)

# group by page, sum pageviews, create list from results
lst = df.groupby('page')['pageviews'].sum()\

# add headers
res = [array[0]] + lst


[['page', 'pageviews'],
 ['page1', 105],
 ['page2', 44]]

You need to sort it, afterwards you could use itertools.groupby : 您需要对其进行排序,然后可以使用itertools.groupby

from itertools import groupby

array = [ 
    ['page', 'pageviews'],
    ['page1', '65'],
    ['page2', '44'],
    ['page1', '40']

# sort it on the first element of each item
array = sorted(array, key = lambda x: x[0])

# keys of interest
keys = ['page1', 'page2']

for k, v in groupby(array, key = lambda x: x[0]):
    if k in keys:
        s = sum([int(x[1]) for x in v])
        print("Key: {}, Sum: {}".format(k, s))

This would yield 这将产生

Key: page1, Sum: 105
Key: page2, Sum: 44


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