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[英]avoid pointer-to-member-function for non-class type

I am writing a kind of container class, for which I would like to offer an apply method which evaluates a function on the content of the container. 我正在编写一种容器类,我想提供一个apply方法来评估容器内容的函数。

template<typename T>
struct Foo
    T val;

    /** apply a free function */
    template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U(*fun)(const T&))
        return Foo<U>(fun(val));

    /** apply a member function */
    template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U (T::*fun)() const)
        return Foo<U>((val.*fun)());

struct Bar{};
template class Foo<Bar>; // this compiles
//template class Foo<int>; // this produces an error

The last line yields error: creating pointer to member function of non-class type 'const int' . 最后一行产生error: creating pointer to member function of non-class type 'const int' Even though I only instantiated Foo and not used apply at all . 即使我只是实例化了Foo而没有使用apply So my question is: How can I effectively remove the second overload whenever T is a non-class type? 所以我的问题是:当T是非类型类型时,如何有效地删除第二个重载?

Note: I also tried having only one overload taking a std::function<U(const T&)> . 注意:我也试过只有一个重载采用std::function<U(const T&)> This kinda works, because both function-pointers and member-function-pointers can be converted to std::function , but this approach effectively disables template deduction for U which makes user-code less readable. 这种方法有效,因为函数指针和成员函数指针都可以转换为std::function ,但是这种方法有效地禁用了U模板推导,这使得用户代码的可读性降低。

Using std::invoke instead helps, it is much easier to implement and read 使用std::invoke有助于实现和阅读更容易

template<typename T>
struct Foo
    T val;

    template<typename U> auto apply(U&& fun)
        return Foo<std::invoke_result_t<U, T>>{std::invoke(std::forward<U>(fun), val)};

struct Bar{};
template class Foo<Bar>;
template class Foo<int>;

However, this won't compile if the functions are overloaded 但是,如果函数重载,则无法编译

int f();
double f(const Bar&);
Foo<Bar>{}.apply(f);  // Doesn't compile

The way around that is to use functors instead 解决这个问题的方法是使用仿函数

Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return f(decltype(bar)(bar)); });

Which also makes it more consistent with member function calls 这也使其与成员函数调用更加一致

Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return decltype(bar)(bar).f(); });

In order to remove the second overload you'd need to make it a template and let SFINAE work, eg like this: 为了消除第二次过载,您需要将其设为模板并让SFINAE工作,例如:

template<typename T>
struct Foo
    T val;


    /** apply a member function */
    template<typename U, typename ObjT>
    Foo<U> apply(U (ObjT::*fun)() const)
        return Foo<U>((val.*fun)());

Alternatively, you could remove the second overload altogether, and use lambda or std::bind: 或者,您可以完全删除第二个重载,并使用lambda或std::bind:

#include <functional> // for std::bind

template<typename T>
struct Foo
    T val;

    /** apply a member function */
    template<typename U, typename FuncT>
    Foo<U> apply(FuncT&& f)
        return {f(val)};

struct SomeType
    int getFive() { return 5; }

int main()
    Foo<SomeType> obj;

    obj.apply<int>(std::bind(&SomeType::getFive, std::placeholders::_1));
    obj.apply<int>([](SomeType& obj) { return obj.getFive(); });

How can I effectively remove the second overload whenever T is a non-class type? 当T是非类型类型时,如何有效地删除第二个重载?

If you can use at least C++11 (and if you tried std::function I suppose you can use it), you can use SFINAE with std::enable_if 如果你至少可以使用C ++ 11(如果你试过std::function我想你可以使用它),你可以使用SFINAE和std::enable_if

   template <typename U, typename V>
   typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<V>{}
                        && std::is_same<V, T>{}, Foo<U>>::type
      apply(U (V::*fun)() const)
    { return Foo<U>((val.*fun)()); }

to impose that T is a class. 强加T是一个阶级。

Observe that you can't check directly T , that is a template parameter of the class, but you have to pass through a V type, a template type of the specific method. 注意,你不能直接检查T ,这是类的模板参数,但你必须通过V类型,即特定方法的模板类型。

But you can also impose that T and V are the same type ( && std::is_same<V, T>{} ). 但是你也可以强加TV是相同的类型( && std::is_same<V, T>{} )。

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