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[英]Qt : How to grab a snapshot of a QQuickItem leaving out its child QQuickItems from the grabbed result

My question is a follow up on this discussion . 我的问题是对该讨论进行跟进。

Yes . 是的 Following way of grabToImage can get me a snapshot of any particular QQuickItem like parent_rect below. 以下的grabToImage可以为我提供任何特定QQuickItem的快照,例如下面的parent_rect

Rectangle {
    id: parent_rect
    width: 400
    height: 400

    Rectangle {
        id: child_rect1
        width: parent.width/4
        height: parent.height/4

    Rectangle {
        id: child_rect2
        width: parent.width/4
        height: parent.height/4
// ...
parent_rect.grabToImage(function(result) {

Problem: 问题:
But this grabToImage gets me the snapshot of the all its children as well namely child_rect1 and child_rect2 . 但是,这个grabToImage我获取了所有子grabToImage的快照,即child_rect1child_rect2

Question: 题:
How can I get the snapshot of parent_rect only without getting its children add into the returned result? 如何仅获取parent_rect的快照而不将其子级添加到返回结果中?

One possible solution is to hide the children and then restore visibility. 一种可能的解决方案是隐藏子级,然后恢复可见性。

Example: 例:

import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.2

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

    function grabWithoutChildren(item, filename){
        var isVisibleList = []
        var i
        for(i in item.children){
            isVisibleList[i] = item.children[i].visible
            item.children[i].visible = false

        item.grabToImage(function(result) {
            for(i in item.children){
                 item.children[i].visible = isVisibleList[i]

    Rectangle {
        id: parent_rect
        width: 400
        height: 400
        color: "red"

        Rectangle {
            id: child_rect1
            width: parent.width/4
            height: parent.height/4
            color: "blue"

        Rectangle {
            id: child_rect2
            x: 10
            y: 10
            width: parent.width/4
            height: parent.height/4
            color: "green"

                width: 100
                height: 100
                color: "white"

    Component.onCompleted: grabWithoutChildren(parent_rect, "something.png")

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