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[英]Add numpy array as variable to Xarray Dataset

This seems like a very basic operation, but I can't figure out how to do it using the xarray documentation. 这似乎是一个非常基本的操作,但我无法弄清楚如何使用xarray文档来完成它。

I have an xarray DataSet: 我有一个xarray DataSet:

<xarray.DataArray (y: 1000, x: 1334)>
dask.array<shape=(1000, 1334), dtype=uint8, chunksize=(222, 58)>
    band     int32 1
  * y        (y) float64 2.218e+06 2.218e+06 2.218e+06 2.218e+06 2.218e+06 ...
  * x        (x) float64 1.891e+06 1.891e+06 1.891e+06 1.891e+06 1.891e+06 ...
    transform:   (30.0, 0.0, -2493045.0, 0.0, -30.0, 3310005.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    crs:         +ellps=GRS80 +lat_0=23 +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lon_0=-96 +n...
    res:         (30.0, 30.0)
    is_tiled:    1
    nodatavals:  (nan,)

and a numpy array with the correct dimensions: 和一个具有正确尺寸的numpy数组:

(1000, 1334)
array([[ 0.15,  0.1 ,  0.15, ...,  0.05,  0.05,  0.02],
       [ 0.15,  0.1 ,  0.05, ...,  0.05,  0.05,  0.05],
       [ 0.1 ,  0.15,  0.15, ...,  0.05,  0.05,  0.02],
       [ 0.02,  0.02,  0.02, ...,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02],
       [ 0.02,  0.09,  0.09, ...,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02],
       [ 0.02,  0.09,  0.09, ...,  0.02,  0.02,  0.02]])

I would like to add the array to the DataSet. 我想将数组添加到DataSet。 My ultimate goal is to do spatial interpolation using x and y to extract interpolated values of nmap on a new grid. 我的最终目标是使用xy进行空间插值,以在新网格上提取nmap插值。

Do you want to create a Dataset that contains your numpy array nmap? 是否要创建包含numpy数组nmap的数据集? Or do you want to make an arithmetic dss + nmap ? 或者你想制作算术dss + nmap

For the former case, you need to make a Dataset from dss first and assign nmap to it, as your dss is not a Dataset but a DataArray . 对于前一种情况,您需要首先从dss创建Dataset并为其分配nmap ,因为您的dss不是Dataset而是DataArray

To make a Dataset from DataArray s, you can pass a dictionary mapping the array name to the DataArray object. 要从DataArray生成Dataset ,可以传递将数组名称映射到DataArray对象的字典。 If your array is not a DataArray but a numpy array or dask array, you need a tuple (dimensions, array, [attribute]). 如果您的数组不是DataArray而是numpy数组或dask数组,则需要一个元组(dimension,array,[attribute])。

ds = xr.Dataset({'dss': dss, 'nmap': (('y', 'x'), nmap)})

Or another way to do the same thing is 或者做同样事情的另一种方法是

ds = xr.Dataset({})
ds['dss'] = ds
ds['nmap'] = (('y', 'x'), nmap)

For the latter case, simply do 对于后一种情况,只需这样做

dss + nmap

Suppose you want to add temperature data to a data set: 假设您要将温度数据添加到数据集:

# Take the following dataset as an example
data_set=xr.Dataset( coords={'lon': (['x', 'y'], lon),
                    'lat': (['x', 'y'], lat),
                    'time': pd.date_range('2014-09-06', periods=3)})
temp=np.array([[25, 24, 20, -12],[23, 21, 22, -11]])
data_set["Temperature"]=(['x', 'y', 'time'],  temp)

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