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python 2等同于带有熊猫df的get_dummies

[英]python 2 equivalent to get_dummies with pandas df

I am seeking clarity as to why my code cannot access specific column values using dummie values using the following example data: 我正在寻求有关为什么我的代码无法使用以下示例数据使用dummie值访问特定列值的明确说明:


            shop   category  subcategory     season
2013-09-04  abc    weddings  shoes           winter
2013-09-04  def    jewelry   watches         summer
2013-09-05  ghi    sports    sneakers        spring
2013-09-05  jkl    jewelry   necklaces       fall

Here is my basic code: 这是我的基本代码:

wedding_df = df[["weddings","winter","summer","spring","fall"]]

I'm using Python 2 with my notebook, so it very well may be a version issue and require get_dummies() , but some guidance would be helpful. 我在笔记本电脑上使用的是Python 2,因此很可能是版本问题,需要get_dummies() ,但是一些指导会有所帮助。 Idea is to create a dummy dataframe that uses binary to say if a row had a wedding category and what season. 想法是创建一个虚拟数据框,该数据框使用二进制数据来说明某行是否具有婚礼类别以及什么季节。

Here is an example of what I'm looking to achieve: 这是我要实现的示例:

        weddings    winter  summer  spring  fall
71654   1.0         0.0     1.0     0.0     0.0
72168   1.0         0.0     1.0     0.0     0.0
72080   1.0         0.0     1.0     0.0     0.0

with corr() : corr()

         weddings   fall     spring    summer      winter
weddings NaN        NaN      NaN        NaN        NaN
fall     NaN       1.000000  0.054019   -0.331866   -0.012122
spring   NaN       0.054019  1.000000   -0.857205   0.072420
summer   NaN       -0.331866 -0.857205  1.000000    -0.484578
winter   NaN       -0.012122 0.072420   -0.484578   1.000000

You can try using prefix and prefix_sep assign them to blank , then you are able to df[["weddings","winter","summer","spring","fall"]] 您可以尝试使用prefixprefix_sep将其分配为blank,然后就可以df[["weddings","winter","summer","spring","fall"]]

df = pd.get_dummies(df,prefix = '', prefix_sep = '' )
            abc  def  ghi  jkl  jewelry  sports  weddings  necklaces  shoes  \
2013-09-04    1    0    0    0        0       0         1          0      1   
2013-09-04    0    1    0    0        1       0         0          0      0   
2013-09-05    0    0    1    0        0       1         0          0      0   
2013-09-05    0    0    0    1        1       0         0          1      0   
            sneakers  watches  fall  spring  summer  winter  
2013-09-04         0        0     0       0       0       1  
2013-09-04         0        1     0       0       1       0  
2013-09-05         1        0     0       1       0       0  
2013-09-05         0        0     1       0       0       0  

Update 更新

pd.get_dummies(df.loc[df['category']=='weddings',['category','season']],prefix = '', prefix_sep = '' )
            weddings  winter
2013-09-04         1       1

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