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尝试从蚀氧运行Tomcat [Liferay]时出错

[英]Error trying to run Tomcat [Liferay] from eclipse oxygen

I'm beginning with Liferay, in fact, I'm just trying to install it and I get the following errors when I try to run the Tomcat Liferay server: 我从Liferay开始,实际上,我只是在尝试安装它,而在尝试运行Tomcat Liferay服务器时出现以下错误:

First window: 第一个窗口:

Error: Could not create Java Virtual Machine. 错误:无法创建Java虚拟机。

Error: A fatal exception has occurred Program will exit 错误:发生致命异常程序将退出

Then when I click on ok I get this: 然后,当我单击ok我得到了:

Server Liferay v6.2 Server (Tomcat 7) at localhost failed to start. 本地主机上的Server Liferay v6.2服务器(Tomcat 7)无法启动。

And I get this too: 我也得到这个:

-Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\\LiferayTomCat\\liferay-portal-6.2.0-ce-ga1\\tomcat-7.0.42\\endorsed is not supported. -Djava.endorsed.dirs = C:\\ LiferayTomCat \\ liferay-portal-6.2.0-ce-ga1 \\ tomcat-7.0.42 \\ endorsed不支持。 Endorsed standards and standalone APIs in modular form will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules. 可升级模块的概念将支持认可的标准和模块化形式的独立API。

I'm using windows as an OS and eclipse Oxygen April 2018 version as an IDE. 我将Windows用作操作系统,并将Eclipse Oxygen 2018年4月版本用作IDE。 I don't know what other informations I should give. 我不知道我还应该提供什么其他信息。

I'm not that comfortable with all the configs, I followed the steps here https://dev.liferay.com/fr/develop/tutorials/-/knowledge_base/6-2/developing-apps-with-liferay-ide and some other websites, if you need them I'll gladly provide them too. 我对所有的配置都不满意,我按照这里的步骤https://dev.liferay.com/fr/develop/tutorials/-/knowledge_base/6-2/developing-apps-with-liferay-ide和其他一些网站,如果您需要它们,我也会很乐意提供。

If you're beginning right now (well, even if you're not): Do not start with a GA1 release from December 2013. There's no need to run into issues that have long been fixed, either in that version or in future versions. 如果你开始,现在 (当然,即使你没有): 不要从2013年十二月GA1解除开始有没有必要碰上一些长期固定的问题,无论是在该版本或未来版本。

Either go with the latest available major release (7.1, as of a few weeks ago, recommended) or at least with the latest update of the major release you need to use. 要么使用最新的可用主要版本(建议使用几周前的7.1),要么至少使用您需要使用的主要版本的最新更新。 If, for some reason, you must be on 6.2, use 6.2.5 GA6, released in November 2017 (note that there won't be any more updates to it). 如果由于某种原因您必须使用6.2,请使用2017年11月发布的6.2.5 GA6(请注意,将不再对其进行任何更新)。 With 7.0, the whole architecture changed dramatically to utilize OSGi, and you should rather start to learn on the future architecture, and not on the legacy concepts. 在7.0中,整个体系结构发生了巨大变化,以利用OSGi,您应该开始学习未来的体系结构,而不要学习旧概念。

That being said, especially as you're just beginning: I'd also recommend to go with the tools matching your release. 话虽这么说,尤其是在您刚刚开始的时候:我还建议您使用与您的发行版匹配的工具。 You're linking to the Liferay IDE installation that says "supports Eclipse 4.2.x or greater", and in order to work around changed defaults in future versions, I'd actually try with the referenced tools (or download the referenced full version of Liferay IDE to get experience, then upgrade the toolchain when you're familiar with the environment) 您正在链接到显示“支持Eclipse 4.2.x或更高版本”的Liferay IDE安装,并且为了解决将来版本中更改的默认值,我实际上会尝试使用所引用的工具(或下载所引用的完整版本的Eclipse)。 Liferay IDE以获得经验,然后在您熟悉环境时升级工具链)

One more word about the versions: Liferay, as an enterprise product/project, runs on various environments that impose a limit on the supported Java versions. 关于版本的更多信息:作为企业产品/项目的Liferay在各种环境上运行,这些环境对受支持的Java版本施加了限制。 If you look at the compatibility list for the enterprise supported versions, you'll find out that even the latest version isn't supported on Java 9 (due to several of the enterprise appservers not supporting this language level). 如果查看企业支持版本的兼容性列表 ,您会发现Java 9甚至不支持最新版本(由于一些企业应用服务器不支持该语言级别)。 You're safest (again, especially in the beginning) to limit yourself to the versions listed there. 您最安全(再次,尤其是在开始时)将自己限制在此处列出的版本中。

And note again that the exact version you're listing was released in 2013. Back then, Java 7 was current, Java8 wasn't released yet. 再次注意,您列出的确切版本于2013年发布。当时,Java 7是最新版本,Java8尚未发布。 Java8 is listed in the compatibility list today, but wasn't supported with the initial release. Java8已在兼容性列表中列出,但初始发行版不支持Java8。

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