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[英]Is sample_n really a random sample when used with sparklyr?

I have 500 million rows in a spark dataframe. 我在spark数据框中有5亿行。 I'm interested in using sample_n from dplyr because it will allow me to explicitly specify the sample size I want. 我对使用dplyr sample_n感兴趣,因为它可以让我明确指定所需的样本大小。 If I were to use sparklyr::sdf_sample() , I would first have to calculate the sdf_nrow() , then create the specified fraction of data sample_size / nrow , then pass this fraction to sdf_sample . 如果要使用sparklyr::sdf_sample() ,则必须首先计算sdf_nrow() ,然后创建指定比例的数据sample_size / nrow ,然后将该比例传递给sdf_sample This isn't a big deal, but the sdf_nrow() can take a while to complete. 这没什么大不了的,但是sdf_nrow()可能需要一段时间才能完成。

So, it would be ideal to use dplyr::sample_n() directly. 因此,直接使用dplyr::sample_n()是理想的。 However, after some testing, it doesn't look like sample_n() is random. 但是,经过一些测试之后, sample_n()看起来并不是随机的。 In fact, the results are identical to head() ! 实际上,结果与head()相同! It would be a major issue if instead of sampling rows at random, the function were just returning the first n rows. 如果该函数只返回前n行,而不是随机采样行,那将是一个主要问题。

Can anyone else confirm this? 有人可以确认吗? Is sdf_sample() my best option? sdf_sample()我最好的选择吗?

# install.packages("gapminder")


sc <- spark_connect(master = "yarn-client")

spark_data <- sdf_import(gapminder, sc, "gapminder")

> # Appears to be random
> spark_data %>% sdf_sample(fraction = 0.20, replace = FALSE) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    58.83397

> spark_data %>% sdf_sample(fraction = 0.20, replace = FALSE) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    60.31693

> spark_data %>% sdf_sample(fraction = 0.20, replace = FALSE) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    59.38692
> # Appears to be random
> spark_data %>% sample_frac(0.20) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    60.48903

> spark_data %>% sample_frac(0.20) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    59.44187

> spark_data %>% sample_frac(0.20) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    59.27986
> # Does not appear to be random
> spark_data %>% sample_n(300) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    57.78434

> spark_data %>% sample_n(300) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    57.78434

> spark_data %>% sample_n(300) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp))
# Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
# Database: spark_connection
1    57.78434
> # === Test sample_n() ===
> sample_mean <- list()
> for(i in 1:20){
+   sample_mean[i] <- spark_data %>% sample_n(300) %>% summarise(sample_mean = mean(lifeExp)) %>% collect() %>% pull()
+ }
> sample_mean %>% flatten_dbl() %>% mean()
[1] 57.78434
> sample_mean %>% flatten_dbl() %>% sd()
[1] 0
> # === Test head() ===
> spark_data %>% 
+   head(300) %>% 
+   pull(lifeExp) %>% 
+   mean()
[1] 57.78434

It is not. 它不是。 If you check the execution plan ( optimizedPlan function as defined here ) you'll see it is just a limit: 如果您检查执行计划( optimizedPlan功能定义在这里 ),你会看到它是一个限制:

spark_data %>% sample_n(300) %>% optimizedPlan()
  GlobalLimit 300
+- LocalLimit 300
   +- InMemoryRelation [country#151, continent#152, year#153, lifeExp#154, pop#155, gdpPercap#156], true, 10000, StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas), `gapminder`
         +- Scan ExistingRDD[country#151,continent#152,year#153,lifeExp#154,pop#155,gdpPercap#156] 

This further confirmed by the show_query : 这由show_query进一步确认:

spark_data %>% sample_n(300) %>% show_query()
FROM `gapminder` TABLESAMPLE (300 rows) ) `hntcybtgns`

and visualized execution plan: 和可视化的执行计划:


Finally if you check Spark source you'll see that this case is implemented with simple LIMIT : 最后,如果您查看Spark源代码,您会看到这种情况是通过简单的LIMIT实现的:

case ctx: SampleByRowsContext =>
  Limit(expression(ctx.expression), query)

I believe that this semantics has been inherited from Hive where equivalent query takes n first rows from each input split . 我相信这种语义是从Hive继承的,Hive的等效查询从每个输入拆分中获取n个第一行

In practice getting a sample of an exact size is just very expensive, and you should avoid unless strictly necessary (same as large LIMITS ). 在实践中,获取精确大小的样本非常昂贵,除非绝对必要,否则应避免使用(与LIMITS一样大)。

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