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[英]How to concat columns with 2 delimiters in hive

How to concat columns with 2 delimiters in hive. 如何在配置单元中用2个定界符连接列。 Please find below the input columns. 请在输入栏下方找到。

column1 column2 column3 column4 column5 column6 column7 column8
1        abc    dfe     ghi     jkl     mno     pqr     1
2        abc    dfe     ghi     jkl     mno     pqr     1

Required output concatenated string grouped by colum8 ie, value 1. 必需的输出串联字符串,按colum8分组,即值1。


can someone help me. 有人能帮我吗。

Can you try this? 你可以试试这个吗?
First, create new columns concatenating each columns for every row then collect the concantenated columns (using collect_list) into one column by grouping them based on column8 then concatenate it (using concat_ws): 首先,创建新的列,将每一行的每一列连接在一起,然后通过基于column8将它们合并成一列,然后将其合并在一起(使用concat_ws):

select concat_ws(',',
                 collect_list(concat(column1, ':', column2, ':', column3, ':', column4,':', column5, '-', column6, ':', column7
                ) as output
from your_table
group by column8;

I would write this as: 我可以这样写:

select concat_ws(',',
                 collect_list(concat_ws(':', column1, column2, column3, column4, column5 || '-' || column6, column7)
                ) as output
from your_table
group by column8;

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