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[英]How can I accomplish using Optional and Streams?

public class Product {

    private String name;
    private List<Image> images;
    //getters and setters

      public class Images {
        private String url;
        private List<Thumbnail> thumbnails;

        // getters and setters

        public class Thumbnail{

          //getters and setters
          private String url;

I have this class. 我有这门课。 I need to fetch product name, url of the first image and url of the first thumbnail. 我需要获取第一个图像的产品名称,网址和第一个缩略图的网址。 I also need to make sure product, images and thumbnails are non-empty. 我还需要确保产品,图像和缩略图都是非空的。

This is how I am trying to do it: 这就是我试图这样做的方式:

Optional.ofNullable(product).ifPresent(productData -> {

  Optional.ofNullable(productData.getImages()).ifPresent(images -> {
    images.stream().findFirst().ifPresent(image -> {

        Optional.ofNullable(image.getThumbnails()).ifPresent(thumbnails -> {
        thumbnails.stream().findFirst().ifPresent(thumbnail -> {

Is there a better way? 有没有更好的办法?

You shouldn't ever have null lists. 你不应该null列表。 An empty list represents the same thing without having to introduce a null check. 空列表表示相同的事情,而不必引入空检查。 That lets you get rid of two ifPresent checks. 这可以让你摆脱两个ifPresent检查。

Optional.ofNullable(product).ifPresent(productData -> {

  productData.getImages().stream().findFirst().ifPresent(image -> {

    image.getThumbnails().stream().findFirst().ifPresent(thumbnail -> {

Optionals and streams aren't really doing you any favors. 可选项和流并没有真正为您带来任何好处。 Don't use them just because they exist. 不要仅因为存在而使用它们。 Consider just using regular if statements. 考虑使用常规if语句。

if (product == null) {

if (!product.getImages().isEmpty()) {
    Image image = product.getImages().get(0);

    if (!image.getThumbnails().isEmpty()) {

Alternatively, you could simulate stream().findFirst().ifPresent() with for loops that break after the first iteration. 或者,您可以模拟stream().findFirst().ifPresent()其中for循环在第一次迭代后中断。

if (product == null) {

for (Image image: product.getImages()) {

    for (Thumbnail thumbnail: image.getThumbnails()) {


@John's answer is the correct one. @ John的回答是正确的。 If you can, return empty lists. 如果可以,请返回空列表。

It might also be that you want to distinguish between not having any items and not having a result (in your case it doesn't make much sense, but we're talking hypothetically). 也许你想要区分没有任何项目而没有结果(在你的情况下它没有多大意义,但我们假设是在讨论)。 Then return Optional<List<T>> instead of returning null then converting it. 然后返回Optional<List<T>>而不是返回null然后转换它。 Then @Johannes' answer is the correct one. 然后@Johannes的回答是正确的。

Another way of thinking about the problem is, if you have no control over the return values, to convert it to a stream to chain the calls: 另一种思考问题的方法是,如果您无法控制返回值,则将其转换为流以链接调用:

  .peek(product -> response.setProductName(product.getName()))
  .map(images -> images.stream().findFirst())
  .peek(image -> response.setImageUrl(image.getUrl())
  .map(thumbnails -> thumbnails.stream().findFirst())
  .forEach(thumbnail -> response.getThumbnailUrl());

Optional::stream was added in Java 9 . 在Java 9中添加了Optional::stream

This is just another solution, by no means a better solution. 这只是另一种解决方案,绝不是更好的解决方案。 I would welcome any comments on the performance. 我欢迎任何关于表现的评论。

Another option to get the first item of each list is to convert to an Optional and back into a Stream: 获取每个列表的第一项的另一个选项是转换为Optional并返回Stream:

  .flatMap(List::stream).findFirst().stream() // <- changed here
  .peek(image -> ...)

And you can also change out the last three lines in a similar way: 你也可以用类似的方式改变最后三行:

  .flatMap(List::stream).findFirst() // <- from here
  .ifPresent(thumbnail -> response.getThumbnailUrl());

Yes, flatMap will help here: 是的, flatMap将在这里提供帮助:

Optional<Product> optProduct = Optional.ofNullable(product);
optProduct.ifPresent(p -> response.setProductName(p.getName()));
Optional<Image> optImage = optProduct.flatMap(p -> Optional.ofNullable(p.getImages()))
    .stream().flatMap(il -> il.stream()).findFirst();
optImage.ifPresent(i -> response.setImageUrl(i.getUrl()));
optImage.flatMap(i -> Optional.ofNullable(i.getThumbnails()))
    .stream().flatMap(tl -> tl.stream()).findFirst()
    .ifPresent(t -> response.getThumbnailUrl()); // WTF?

Node that Optional.stream() was added in Java 9. 在Java 9中添加了Optional.stream()节点。

I don't think the Optionals are helping much here. 我不认为Optionals在这方面有很多帮助。 I would clean up the code by abstracting the iteration logic, like this: 我会通过抽象迭代逻辑来清理代码,如下所示:

private <T> void findFirst(List<T> list, Consumer<T> action) {
    if (list != null) {

if (product != null) {
    findFirst(productData.getImages(), image -> {
        findFirst(image.getThumbnails(), thumbnail -> response.setThumbnailUrl(thumbnail.getUrl()));

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