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使用 Java 8 Streams 完成删除循环

[英]Using Java 8 Streams to accomplish removing loops

I have a list of documents objects that need to be mapped based on certain criteria.我有一个需要根据某些标准进行映射的文档对象列表。 There is a utility function that takes any 2 document types and determines if they match on a number of criteria, like genre of document, whether they share any authors etc. The code works but I';d like to use Java Streams to solve it if possible.有一个实用程序函数可以接受任何 2 种文档类型,并确定它们是否符合许多标准,例如文档类型、它们是否共享任何作者等。代码有效,但我想使用 Java Streams 来解决它如果可能的话。

I currently solve this by using the following code:我目前使用以下代码解决了这个问题:

  class Document{
     private String genre;
     private List<Author> authors;
     private String isbn;
     private boolean paperBack;

I also use a library utility that has a function that returns true given a series of matching criteria and a pair of documents.我还使用了一个库实用程序,该实用程序具有在给定一系列匹配条件和一对文档的情况下返回 true 的函数。 It simply returns a boolean.它只是返回一个布尔值。

   boolean matchesOnCriteria(Document doc1, Document doc2, Criteria criteria){

Here is the matching code for finding the books that match on the provided criteria这是查找符合提供条件的书籍的匹配代码

     DocumentUtils utils = DocumentUitls.instance();
     Criteria userCriteria = ...
     List<Pair> matches = new ArrayList<>();

    List<Document> documents = entityManager.findBy(.....);

   for(Document doc1 : documents){
      for(Documents doc2 : documents){
             if (utils.matchesOnCriteria(doc1,doc2, userCriteria)) {
              Pair<Document> p = new Pair(doc1,doc2);

How can I do this using Streams?如何使用 Streams 执行此操作?

The idea of the following solution using Steam::reduce is simple:以下使用Steam::reduce解决方案的想法很简单:

  1. Group the qualified pairs of documents to Map<Document, List<Document>> having all possible acceptable combinations.将合格的文档对分组为具有所有可能的可接受组合的Map<Document, List<Document>> Let's say odd and even documents are in pairs:假设奇数和偶数文档是成对的:

     D1=[D3, D5], D2=[D4], D3=[D1, D5], D4=[D2], D5[D1, D3] // dont mind the duplicates
  2. Using Stream::reduce you can achieve the following steps:使用Stream::reduce可以实现以下步骤:

    • Transform entries to Pair<> ,将条目转换为Pair<>

       D1-D3, D1-D5, D2-D4, D3-D1, D1-D5, D4-D2, D5-D1, D5-D3
    • Save these items to Set guaranteeing the equal pairs occur once ( D1-D3 = D3-D1 ).将这些项目保存到Set保证相等对出现一次( D1-D3 = D3-D1 )。 The condition the Pair must override both Object::equals and Object:hashCode and implements equality based on the both documents present. Pair必须覆盖Object::equalsObject:hashCode并根据存在的两个文档实现相等。

       D1-D3, D1-D5, D3-D5, D2-D4
    • Reducing (merging) the particular sets into a single collection Set<Pair<Document>> .将特定集合减少(合并)为单个集合Set<Pair<Document>>

Map<Document, List<Document>> map = documents.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(                                // Collected to Map<Document, List<Document>>
        Function.identity(),                                  // Document is the key
        d1 -> documents.stream()                              // Value are the qualified documents
            .filter(d2 -> !d1.equals(d2) &&            
                utils.matchesOnCriteria(d1,d2, userCriteria)
            .collect(Collectors.toList())));                  // ... as List<Document>

Set<Pair<Document>> matches = map.entrySet().stream().reduce( // Reduce the Entry<Dokument, List<Document>>
    new HashSet<>(),                                          // ... to Set<Pair<>>
    (set, e) -> {
        set.addAll(e.getValue().stream()                      // ... where is
            .map(v -> new Pair<Document>(e.getKey(), v))      // ... the Pair of qualified documents
        return set;
    (left, right) -> { left.addAll(right); return left; });   // Merge operation

The condition !matches.contains(p) is redundant, there are better ways to assure distinct values.条件!matches.contains(p)是多余的,有更好的方法来确保不同的值。 Either use Stream::distinct or collect the stream to Set which is an unordered distinct collection.使用Stream::distinct或将流收集到Set ,这是一个无序的不同集合。

Read more at Baeldung's: remove all duplicates .Baeldung 上阅读更多信息:删除所有重复项

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