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在pyspark SQL中找到两个时间戳之间的差异

[英]Finding difference between two time stamp in pyspark sql

Below table structure, you can notice the column name 在表格结构下方,您会注意到列名 在此处输入图片说明

cal_avg_latency = spark.sql("SELECT UnitType, ROUND(AVG(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(OnSceneDtTmTS, ReceivedDtTmTS, MINUTE)), 2) as latency, count(*) as total_count FROM `SFSC_Incident_Census_view` WHERE EXTRACT(DATE from ReceivedDtTmTS) == EXTRACT(DATE from OnSceneDtTmTS) GROUP BY UnitType ORDER BY latency ASC")

Error: 错误:

ParseException: "\nmismatched input 'FROM' expecting <EOF>(line 1, pos 122)\n\n== SQL ==\nSELECT UnitType, ROUND(AVG(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(OnSceneDtTmTS, ReceivedDtTmTS, MINUTE)), 2) as latency, count(*) as total_count FROM SFSC_Incident_Census_view WHERE EXTRACT((DATE FROM ReceivedDtTmTS) == EXTRACT(DATE FROM OnSceneDtTmTS)) GROUP BY UnitType ORDER BY latency ASC\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^^^\n"

Error is in WHERE condition but even my TIMESTAMP_DIFF function not working 错误处于WHERE状态,但即使我的TIMESTAMP_DIFF函数也不起作用

cal_avg_latency = spark.sql("SELECT UnitType, ROUND(AVG(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(OnSceneDtTmTS, ReceivedDtTmTS, MINUTE)), 2) as latency, count(*) as total_count FROM SFSC_Incident_Census_view  GROUP BY UnitType ORDER BY latency ASC")

Error : 错误:

AnalysisException: "Undefined function: 'TIMESTAMP_DIFF'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'.; line 1 pos 27"

The error message seems pretty clear. 该错误消息似乎很清楚。 Hive doesn't have a TIMESTAMP_DIFF function. 蜂巢没有TIMESTAMP_DIFF函数。

If your columns are already appropriately cast as a timestamp type, you can subtract them directly. 如果您的列已经适当地转换为timestamp类型,则可以直接将其减去。 Otherwise, you can cast them explicity, and take the difference: 否则,您可以将其显式转换,并加以区别:

SELECT ROUND(AVG(MINUTE(CAST(OnSceneDtTmTS AS timestamp) - CAST(ReceivedDtTmTS AS timestamp))), 2) AS latency

I have solve the problem using pyspark query. 我已经使用pyspark查询解决了问题。

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
import pyspark.sql.functions as func
timeFmt = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"
timeDiff = (F.unix_timestamp('OnSceneDtTmTS', format=timeFmt)
        - F.unix_timestamp('ReceivedDtTmTS', format=timeFmt))
FSCDataFrameTsDF = FSCDataFrameTsDF.withColumn("Duration", timeDiff)
#convert seconds to minute and round the seconds for further use. 
FSCDataFrameTsDF = FSCDataFrameTsDF.withColumn("Duration_minutes",func.round(FSCDataFrameTsDF.Duration / 60.0))

Output: 输出:


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