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[英]How to create instances of a class based on user input with a while loop

I am trying to create instances of a certain class based on user input and the display their attributes this is my code: 我试图根据用户输入创建某个类的实例,并显示其属性,这是我的代码:

class member_of_team:
   def __init__(self, outside_shot, inside_shot, handling, speed):
        self.outside_shot = outside_shot
        self.inside_shot = inside_shot
        self.handling = handling
        self.speed = speed          

choice = input("Would you like to enter a teamate? ")
y = choice
while  y == "yes":

    x = input("what is the teamates name? ")
    a = int(input("How good is he at shooting outside? "))
    b = int(input("What about his inside shot? "))
    c = int(input("How well is he at handling the ball? "))
    d = int(input("How fast is he? "))
    x = member_of_team(a, b, c, d)
    y = input("Do you want to enter another teamate? ")

r = input("what member of the team woulsd you like to check up")
s = input("what would you like ot know about him")


AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 's' AttributeError:“ str”对象没有属性“ s”

I believe you were trying to create an object from member_of_team class. 我相信您正在尝试从member_of_team类创建一个对象。 And later you were giving the object's name as input and then trying to access the attributes of that object. 然后,您将对象的名称作为输入,然后尝试访问该对象的属性。

You can use getattr() builtin function of Python. 您可以使用Python的getattr()内置函数。

getattr(object, name[, default]) getattr(object,name [,默认])

Return the value of the named attribute of object. 返回对象的命名属性的值。 name must be a string. 名称必须是字符串。 If the string is the name of one of the object's attributes, the result is the value of that attribute. 如果字符串是对象属性之一的名称,则结果是该属性的值。 For example, getattr(x, 'foobar') is equivalent to x.foobar. 例如,getattr(x,'foobar')等同于x.foobar。 If the named attribute does not exist, default is returned if provided, otherwise AttributeError is raised. 如果指定的属性不存在,则返回默认值(如果提供),否则引发AttributeError。

So, you need maintain a directory of all the objects created. 因此,您需要维护所有创建对象的目录。 Because in python objects were created on the fly. 因为在python中是动态创建对象的。 And when you provide object's name from STDIN. 并且当您从STDIN提供对象的名称时。 You get that in that in the form of String. 您可以通过String的形式获得它。 You need to find out out the its equivalent OOP's object actually. 您实际上需要找出其等效的OOP对象。

Please check out this code. 请检查此代码。

class member_of_team(object):
   def __init__(self, outside_shot, inside_shot, handling, speed):
        self.outside_shot = outside_shot
        self.inside_shot = inside_shot
        self.handling = handling
        self.speed = speed

choice = input("Would you like to enter a teamate? ")
object_directory = {}

while  choice == "yes":
    x1 = input("what is the teamates name? ")
    a = int(input("How good is he at shooting outside? "))
    b = int(input("What about his inside shot? "))
    c = int(input("How well is he at handling the ball? "))
    d = int(input("How fast is he? "))
    x = member_of_team(a, b, c, d)
    object_directory[x1] = x
    y = input("Do you want to enter another teammate? ")

r = input("what member of the team would you like to check up?")
s = input("what would you like to know about him?")

print (getattr(object_directory[r], s))

Sample Console Output: 控制台输出样例:

Would you like to enter a teamate? yes
what is the teamates name? Ronaldo
How good is he at shooting outside? 5
What about his inside shot? 7
How well is he at handling the ball? 8
How fast is he? 8
Do you want to enter another teammate? no
what member of the team would you like to check up?Ronaldo
what would you like ot know about him?handling

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