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[英]How to create instances of a class based on user input with a while loop


class member_of_team:
   def __init__(self, outside_shot, inside_shot, handling, speed):
        self.outside_shot = outside_shot
        self.inside_shot = inside_shot
        self.handling = handling
        self.speed = speed          

choice = input("Would you like to enter a teamate? ")
y = choice
while  y == "yes":

    x = input("what is the teamates name? ")
    a = int(input("How good is he at shooting outside? "))
    b = int(input("What about his inside shot? "))
    c = int(input("How well is he at handling the ball? "))
    d = int(input("How fast is he? "))
    x = member_of_team(a, b, c, d)
    y = input("Do you want to enter another teamate? ")

r = input("what member of the team woulsd you like to check up")
s = input("what would you like ot know about him")


AttributeError:“ str”对象没有属性“ s”

我相信您正在尝试从member_of_team类创建一个对象。 然后,您将对象的名称作为输入,然后尝试访问该对象的属性。


getattr(object,name [,默认])

返回对象的命名属性的值。 名称必须是字符串。 如果字符串是对象属性之一的名称,则结果是该属性的值。 例如,getattr(x,'foobar')等同于x.foobar。 如果指定的属性不存在,则返回默认值(如果提供),否则引发AttributeError。

因此,您需要维护所有创建对象的目录。 因为在python中是动态创建对象的。 并且当您从STDIN提供对象的名称时。 您可以通过String的形式获得它。 您实际上需要找出其等效的OOP对象。


class member_of_team(object):
   def __init__(self, outside_shot, inside_shot, handling, speed):
        self.outside_shot = outside_shot
        self.inside_shot = inside_shot
        self.handling = handling
        self.speed = speed

choice = input("Would you like to enter a teamate? ")
object_directory = {}

while  choice == "yes":
    x1 = input("what is the teamates name? ")
    a = int(input("How good is he at shooting outside? "))
    b = int(input("What about his inside shot? "))
    c = int(input("How well is he at handling the ball? "))
    d = int(input("How fast is he? "))
    x = member_of_team(a, b, c, d)
    object_directory[x1] = x
    y = input("Do you want to enter another teammate? ")

r = input("what member of the team would you like to check up?")
s = input("what would you like to know about him?")

print (getattr(object_directory[r], s))


Would you like to enter a teamate? yes
what is the teamates name? Ronaldo
How good is he at shooting outside? 5
What about his inside shot? 7
How well is he at handling the ball? 8
How fast is he? 8
Do you want to enter another teammate? no
what member of the team would you like to check up?Ronaldo
what would you like ot know about him?handling


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