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RVIZ在MovableText :: setFontName中找不到字体Liberation Sans

[英]RVIZ Could not find font Liberation Sans in MovableText::setFontName

I am using ROS melodic on archlinux with the following environment settings: 我在具有以下环境设置的archlinux上使用ROS melodic


And the font file exists in /opt/ros/melodic/share/rviz/ogre_media/fonts/liberation_sans.fontdef 字体文件位于/opt/ros/melodic/share/rviz/ogre_media/fonts/liberation_sans.fontdef

PROBLEM : rviz works OK with the first tutorial example roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=/opt/ros/melodic/share/urdf_tutorial/urdf/01-myfirst.urdf , but when I use model with any joint it throws the following error: 问题rviz在第一个教程示例roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=/opt/ros/melodic/share/urdf_tutorial/urdf/01-myfirst.urdf ,但是当我将模型与任何关节一起使用时,它将引发以下错误:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::Exception' 抛出“ Ogre :: Exception”的实例后调用终止
what(): : Could not find font Liberation Sans in MovableText::setFontName what()::在MovableText :: setFontName中找不到字体Liberation Sans

for example : when I run: roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=/opt/ros/melodic/share/urdf_tutorial/urdf/02-multipleshapes.urdf it signals the previous error, but when I comment the joint section, it works well. 例如:当我运行时: roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=/opt/ros/melodic/share/urdf_tutorial/urdf/02-multipleshapes.urdf它表示先前的错误,但是当我评论关节部分时,它工作良好。

Questions : 问题

  • Can I change the search path for ogre to solve that? 我可以更改食人魔的搜索路径来解决此问题吗?
  • How can I solve this error? 我该如何解决这个错误?

NOTE: I have reinstalled rviz. 注意:我已经重新安装了rviz。 I am using archlinux. 我正在使用archlinux。

[ INFO] [1535655892.425579750]: rviz version 1.13.1
[ INFO] [1535655892.425678114]: compiled against Qt version 5.11.1
[ INFO] [1535655892.425738813]: compiled against OGRE version 1.11.1 (Rhagorthua)

The problem is with ogre 1.11 new API. 问题是食人魔1.11新API。

I have reinstalled rviz using https://github.com/ProfFan/rviz commits. 我已经使用https://github.com/ProfFan/rviz commits重新安装了rviz。

He has a pull-request here https://github.com/fizyr-forks/rviz/pull/1 他在这里有一个拉取请求https://github.com/fizyr-forks/rviz/pull/1

And it's working now. 现在正在工作。

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