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访问带有边缘的节点到 igraph python 中的某个感兴趣的节点

[英]Access nodes with edges to a certain node of interest in igraph python

I have an igraph graph object called g with some edges.我有一个名为gigraph图对象,带有一些边。 I would like to get all nodes with an edge to a certain node我想让所有节点都具有某个节点的边缘

g = Graph.Tree(10, 2)
print g 

IGRAPH U--- 10 9 --
+ edges:
0--1 0--2 1--3 1--4 2--5 2--6 3--7 3--8 4--9

If I select node 1 , then I should get back a list of the other nodes with edges to node 1 (graph is undirected).如果我选择 node 1 ,那么我应该返回一个其他节点的列表,这些节点的边到节点1 (图是无向的)。 The output should look like:输出应如下所示:

[0, 3, 4]

That is exactly what the neighbors method does.这正是neighbors方法所做的。

Out[12]: [0, 3, 4]

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