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[英]Spark Structured Streaming watermark error


我有格式与以下相同的 json 流数据

|  A    | B                                        |
|  ABC  |  [{C:1, D:1}, {C:2, D:4}]                | 
|  XYZ  |  [{C:3, D :6}, {C:9, D:11}, {C:5, D:12}] |

As per my understanding, watermarking is required only when you are performing window operation on event time. 根据我的理解,只有在事件时间执行窗口操作时才需要加水印。 Spark used watermarking to handle late data and for the same purpose Spark needs to save older aggregation. Spark使用水印来处理后期数据,出于同样的目的,Spark需要保存较旧的聚合。

The following link explains this very well with example: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/structured-streaming-programming-guide.html#handling-late-data-and-watermarking 以下链接通过示例解释了这一点: https//spark.apache.org/docs/latest/structured-streaming-programming-guide.html#handling-late-data-and-watermarking

I don't see any window operations in your transformation and if that is the case then I think you can try running the stream query without watermarking. 我没有在转换中看到任何窗口操作,如果是这种情况,那么我认为您可以尝试运行流查询而不加水印。


    df.groupBy(col("dummy"), window(col("event_time"), "1 day")).

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