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[英]Entrez gene IDs from gene list using biomaRt

I am trying to convert a list of gene names to entrez gene IDs. 我正在尝试将基因名称列表转换为entrez基因ID。

for now i have this: 现在我有这个:

>ensembl <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
>mapping <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id','ensembl_transcript_id',
                          'entrezgene', 'hgnc_symbol'),mart = ensembl)

This creates a table with the entrez gene IDs and names. 这将创建一个带有entrez基因ID和名称的表。 However how can I filter out the IDs based on my gene list? 但是,如何根据基因列表过滤出ID?

This is an example of the gene names list: Gene names 这是基因名称列表的一个示例: 基因名称

It is just an excel files with couple of hundred gene names in total. 它只是一个excel文件,总共有数百个基因名称。

Hopefully someone could help me! 希望有人可以帮助我!

Data 数据

Create a vector of gene names: 创建基因名称的载体:

mygenes <- c("TNF", "IL6", "IL1B", "IL10", "CRP", "TGFB1", "CXCL8")

Retrieve information from the BioMart: 从BioMart检索信息:


hsmart <- useMart(dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", biomart = "ensembl")


# Object of class 'Mart':
#   Using the ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL BioMart database
#   Using the hsapiens_gene_ensembl dataset

Map gene names to Ensembl gene ids, transcript ids, entreze ids 将基因名称映射到Ensembl基因ID,转录本ID,Entreze ID

To do this, you don't need to convert whole database into the table of corresponding ids. 为此,您无需将整个数据库转换为相应ID的表。 Using filter = "hgns_symbol" as parameter for your getBM() call, will subset database by gene names you've provided as a values argument of getBM() function: 使用filter = "hgns_symbol"作为getBM()调用的参数,将按您作为getBM()函数的values参数提供的基因名称对数据库进行子集化:

mapping <- getBM(
  attributes = c('ensembl_gene_id', 'ensembl_transcript_id', 'entrezgene', 'hgnc_symbol'), 
  filters = 'hgnc_symbol',
  values = mygenes,
  mart = hsmart

Which give you 43 records for your genes: 它为您的基因提供了43条记录:

mapping %>%
  arrange(hgnc_symbol, ensembl_gene_id, ensembl_transcript_id, entrezgene)

#   ensembl_gene_id ensembl_transcript_id entrezgene hgnc_symbol
#1  ENSG00000132693       ENST00000255030       1401         CRP
#2  ENSG00000132693       ENST00000368110       1401         CRP
#3  ENSG00000132693       ENST00000368111       1401         CRP
#4  ENSG00000132693       ENST00000368112       1401         CRP
#5  ENSG00000132693       ENST00000437342       1401         CRP
#   ............................................................
#39 ENSG00000228321       ENST00000412275       7124         TNF
#40 ENSG00000228849       ENST00000420425       7124         TNF
#41 ENSG00000228978       ENST00000445232       7124         TNF
#42 ENSG00000230108       ENST00000443707       7124         TNF
#43 ENSG00000232810       ENST00000449264       7124         TNF

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