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[英]Difference between multiprocessing.cpu_count and os.cpu_count

Both os and multiprocessing modules define a cpu_count function. osmultiprocessing模块都定义了一个cpu_count函数。

os.cpu_count is documented as follows: os.cpu_count记录如下:

Return the number of CPUs in the system. 返回系统中的CPU数量。 Returns None if undetermined. 如果不确定,则返回None。

and multiprocessing.cpu_count 's documentation says: multiprocessing.cpu_count的文档说:

Return the number of CPUs in the system. 返回系统中的CPU数量。 May raise NotImplementedError. 可能会引发NotImplementedError。 See also os.cpu_count() 另请参见os.cpu_count()

On my machine, they both return the same result: 在我的机器上,它们都返回相同的结果:

>>> import os
>>> import multiprocessing as mp
>>> os.cpu_count()
>>> mp.cpu_count()

I would have thought that multiprocessing.cpu_count would be a mere reference to os.cpu_count , but it is not: 我本以为multiprocessing.cpu_count只是对os.cpu_count引用,但事实并非如此:

>>> os.cpu_count is mp.cpu_count

So what is the difference between them? 那么它们之间有什么区别呢? Am I guaranteed that they'll always return the same result? 我是否保证他们将始终返回相同的结果? Moreover, if I want to specify a number of processes to create for multiprocessing.Pool , should I use os or multiprocessing 's function? 此外,如果我想指定要为multiprocessing.Pool创建的多个进程,是否应该使用osmultiprocessing的功能?

The answer lies in multiprocessing.context , which defines BaseContext.cpu_count as follows: 答案在于multiprocessing.context ,它对BaseContext.cpu_count定义如下:

# cpython/Lib/multiprocessing/context.py

class BaseContext(object):
    def cpu_count(self):
        '''Returns the number of CPUs in the system'''
        num = os.cpu_count()
        if num is None:
            raise NotImplementedError('cannot determine number of cpus')
            return num

Then, this cpu_count method is exposed by multiprocessing : 然后,通过multiprocessing公开此cpu_count方法:

# cpython/Lib/multiprocessing/__init__.py

__all__ = [x for x in dir(context._default_context) if not x.startswith('_')]
globals().update((name, getattr(context._default_context, name)) for name in __all__)

So in the end, multiprocessing.cpu_count is nothing but a wrapper around os.cpu_count . 因此,最后, multiprocessing.cpu_count只是os.cpu_count的包装。

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