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可能会抛出“NullPointerException”; “上下文”在这里可以为空

[英]A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "context" is nullable here

So I have an issue with SonarQube that I can not solve.所以我有一个无法解决的 SonarQube 问题。

if (result instanceof AsyncResult) {
    // Make sure handle async has been called
    Result newResult = context.controllerReturned();
    if (newResult != null) {
        result = newResult;

SonarQube claims that context may be null here. SonarQube 声称context在这里可能为null If you know this is incorrect, you could just suppress this warning as a false positive.如果您知道这是不正确的,您可以将此警告视为误报。 Otherwise, you should explicitly check if context is not null :否则,您应该明确检查context是否不为null

if (result instanceof AsyncResult && context != null) {
    // Here -------------------------^

    // Make sure handle async has been called
    Result newResult = context.controllerReturned();
    if (newResult != null) {
        result = newResult;

Your problem is probably here:你的问题可能在这里:


What Sonar says is (given the context [...]) that somewhere in your code, your doing a null check on context but not in this part: Sonar 所说的是(给定上下文 [...])在您的代码中的某处,您对context进行了null检查,但不在此部分:

if (null == context) {
  // bla bla bla
context.handleAsync(); // yes, but context was tested for null, so it can be null.

Either recheck the context when using it, either remove the null check or fail at the beginning of your method:使用时重新检查上下文,删除null检查或在方法开始时失败:

if (null == context) {
  throw new IllegalStateException("context is null");

Or better:或更好:

  void yourMethod(Context context) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(context, "context");

The requireNonNull method is called as a precondition; requireNonNull方法作为前提条件被调用; its only purpose is to check for nulls and provide (if you don't omit) a default message.它的唯一目的是检查空值并提供(如果您不省略)默认消息。

Try this:尝试这个:

if (result instanceof AsyncResult) {
        if (context == null) {
            //appropriate error handling
        } else {
            // Make sure handle async has been called
            Result newResult = context.controllerReturned();
            if (newResult != null) {
                result = newResult;

Alternatively you could ensure that when context is initialised it can never get value null .或者,您可以确保在初始化context时,它永远不会获得null You could also look into the @NotNull annotation from JSR303 if context is a method parameter.如果context是方法参数,您还可以查看 JSR303 中的@NotNull注释。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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