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可能会抛出“NullPointerException”; “activationConfigParser”在这里可以为空

[英]A "NullPointerException" could be thrown; "activationConfigParser" is nullable here

sonar issue声纳问题


private void getGtcj(String gtcjStatusValue, String strArchiveReqd) throws Exception {
    XPathHelper activationConfigParser = null;
    try {
        activationConfigParser = ConfigUtil.getInstance().getConfigParser(new URL((V21Constants.FILE
                + System.getProperty(V21Constants.USER_DIR) + "/vServe21/config/ActivationParameters.xml")));
    } catch (Exception e) {

    StringBuffer useGTCJSolution = new StringBuffer();
            .append("/parameter[@name = '").append(XPathConstants.TAG_NAME_USE_GTCJ_SOLUTION)

    String useGTCJSolutionStr = activationConfigParser.evaluateXPath(useGTCJSolution.toString());
    log.debug("useGTCJSolutionStr value:" + useGTCJSolutionStr);

    if (useGTCJSolutionStr != null && useGTCJSolutionStr.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(V21Constants.YES)
            && (gtcjStatusValue.equalsIgnoreCase(Statuses.ACTIVATION_SUCCESS)
                    || gtcjStatusValue.equalsIgnoreCase(Statuses.ROLLBACK_SUCCESS)
                    || gtcjStatusValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Rollback Failure"))) {
        log.debug("No need to archive and send response from here.");
    } else {
        log.debug("inside GTCJSolution for GTCJ orders...Archiving and sending response xml");
        if (strArchiveReqd != null && "Yes".equalsIgnoreCase(strArchiveReqd)) {
            archiveXML(responseFileName, V21Constants.VIF_ARCHIVE_RESPONSE_XML_PATH);
        // sending the response XML
        response = new Response();
        response.sendResponseXML(properties, responseXml, bNBSConnectivityFlag, queueName, address);

I figured out there should be a finally block after catch, but I don't know what to add inside the finally block.我发现在 catch 之后应该有一个 finally 块,但我不知道在 finally 块中添加什么。 Or is there any other solution?或者还有其他解决方案吗?

When you create the variable activationCOnfigParser you're in a try/Catch block.当您创建变量 activationCOnfigParser 时,您处于 try/Catch 块中。 You can bypass this error:您可以绕过此错误:

private void getGtcj(String gtcjStatusValue, String strArchiveReqd) throws Exception {
XPathHelper activationConfigParser = null;
try {
    activationConfigParser = ConfigUtil.getInstance().getConfigParser(new URL((V21Constants.FILE
            + System.getProperty(V21Constants.USER_DIR) + "/vServe21/config/ActivationParameters.xml")));
} catch (Exception e) {
    actionConfigParser = <DEFAULT VALUE>


In catch block there is that you can replace with a value that actionConfigParser has to assuming in case of exception.在 catch 块中,您可以替换为 actionConfigParser 在出现异常时必须假设的值。


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