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[英]AFrame: How to render a camera to a texture

I'm trying to have a second camera to show a "from the sky" view of an AFrame scene. 我正试图用第二台相机来显示AFrame场景的“天空”视图。 I've learned how to do it using a 2D canvas for rendering, following this example : 我已经学会了如何使用2D画布进行渲染,遵循以下示例

But I wonder if this could be done without using a external <div> , something like rendering directly to some asset, or maybe directly to the texture... 但我想知道是否可以在不使用外部<div>情况下完成此操作,例如直接渲染某些资源,或者直接渲染到纹理......

My current code is: 我目前的代码是:

    <script src="//aframe.io/releases/0.8.2/aframe.min.js"></script>

// Original code:
//   https://wirewhiz.com/how-to-use-a-cameras-output-as-a-texture-in-aframe/
    'schema': {
       canvas: {
            type: 'string',
            default: ''
       // desired FPS
       fps: {
            type: 'number',
            default: 90.0
    'init': function() {
        var targetEl = document.querySelector(this.data.canvas);
        this.counter = 0;
        this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
        this.renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
        this.renderer.setSize( targetEl.offsetWidth, targetEl.offsetHeight );
        // creates spectator canvas
        this.renderer.domElement.id = "canvas";
    'tick': function(time, timeDelta) {
        var loopFPS = 1000.0 / timeDelta;
        var hmdIsXFasterThanDesiredFPS = loopFPS / this.data.fps;
        var renderEveryNthFrame = Math.round(hmdIsXFasterThanDesiredFPS);
        if(this.counter % renderEveryNthFrame === 0){
        this.counter += 1;
    'render': function(){
        this.renderer.render( this.el.sceneEl.object3D , this.el.object3DMap.camera );
    <a-scene physics="debug: true">

      <a-plane static-body position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" width="30" height="40"

      <a-box color="red" position="0 2 0" depth="8" width="8"></a-box>

      <a-entity id="secondaryCamera" position="0 40 0" rotation="-90 0 0">
        <a-camera view="canvas:#spectatorDiv;" active="false">

      <a-entity position="0 0 10" look-controls>
        <a-entity camera position="0 1.6 0" wasd-controls>
          <a-entity geometry="primitive:plane; width:.2; height:.2" material="src:#canvas; opacity: .6"
                    position="0.2 -0.3 -0.7" rotation="0 -10 0"></a-entity>
          <a-cylinder radius="2" color="green"></a-box>


    <div style="height:300px; width:400px;" id='spectatorDiv'></div>


Check out the screenshot component implementation . 查看截图组件实现 Render to a render target, and then do whatever you want with the pixel data (use it as a texture inside WebGL, copy to a canvas...) 渲染到渲染目标,然后使用像素数据执行任何操作(将其用作WebGL内的纹理,复制到画布......)

After some tinkering and considering all suggestions, I've come to this code, that gives me what I wanted. 经过一些修补和考虑所有建议后,我来到这个代码,它给了我想要的东西。 In short, I built a component ( camrenderer ) that uses a canvas within the a-assets element for rendering the output of the camera. 简而言之,我构建了一个组件( camrenderer ),它使用a-assets元素中的画布来渲染相机的输出。 This allows any material to reference it (in the code below, see it added to a plane attached to the main camera). 这允许任何材料引用它(在下面的代码中,看它添加到连接到主摄像机的平面)。 For ensuring the material gets updated when the rendering changes, you also need to add another component ( canvas-updater ) to the object acting as screen. 为了确保在渲染更改时更新材质,还需要将另一个组件( canvas-updater )添加到充当屏幕的对象。

Therefore, the camera renderer can be referenced by any material in any component, with no extra hacks. 因此,相机渲染器可以被任何组件中的任何材料引用,而没有额外的黑客攻击。

    <script src="//aframe.io/releases/0.8.2/aframe.min.js"></script>
    'schema': {
       // desired FPS
       fps: {
            type: 'number',
            default: 90.0
       // Id of the canvas element used for rendering the camera
       cid: {
            type: 'string',
            default: 'camRenderer'
       // Height of the renderer element
       height: {
            type: 'number',
            default: 300
       // Width of the renderer element
       width: {
            type: 'number',
            default: 400
    'update': function(oldData) {
        var data = this.data
        if (oldData.cid !== data.cid) {
            // Find canvas element to be used for rendering
            var canvasEl = document.getElementById(this.data.cid);
            // Create renderer
            this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
                antialias: true,
                canvas: canvasEl
            // Set properties for renderer DOM element
            this.renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
            this.renderer.domElement.crossorigin = "anonymous";
        if (oldData.width !== data.width || oldData.height !== data.height) {
            // Set size of canvas renderer
            this.renderer.setSize(data.width, data.height);
            this.renderer.domElement.height = data.height;
            this.renderer.domElement.width = data.width;
        if (oldData.fps !== data.fps) {
            // Set how often to call tick
            this.tick = AFRAME.utils.throttleTick(this.tick, 1000 / data.fps , this);
    'tick': function(time, timeDelta) {
        this.renderer.render( this.el.sceneEl.object3D , this.el.object3DMap.camera );

AFRAME.registerComponent('canvas-updater', {
    dependencies: ['geometry', 'material'],

    tick: function () {
        var el = this.el;
        var material;

        material = el.getObject3D('mesh').material;
        if (!material.map) { return; }
        material.map.needsUpdate = true;

          <canvas id="cam2"></canvas>
      <a-plane position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" width="30" height="40"

      <a-box color="red" position="0 2 0" depth="8" width="16"></a-box>
      <a-box color="blue" position="0 2 6" depth="2" width="6"></a-box>

      <a-entity position="0 40 0" rotation="-90 0 0">
        <a-camera camrender="cid: cam2" active="false">

      <a-entity position="0 0 10" look-controls>
        <a-entity camera position="0 1.6 0" wasd-controls>
          <a-entity geometry="primitive:plane; width:.2; height:.2"
                    material="src:#cam2; opacity: .6" canvas-updater
                    position="0.2 -0.3 -0.7" rotation="0 -10 0"></a-entity>
          <a-cylinder radius="2" color="green"></a-cylinder>



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