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Enthought Canopy Setup Wizard提前结束

[英]Enthought Canopy Setup Wizard ended prematurely

Installing Canopy 2.1.9 for Windows 64-bit on Windows 10, and the installer fails immediately after clicking the Install button, with the message "Enthought Canopy (64-bit) Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error." 在Windows 10上为Windows 64位版本安装Canopy 2.1.9,并且在单击“安装”按钮后,安装程序立即失败,并显示消息“由于错误,导致Canopy(64位)安装向导过早终止”。 Same result using 2.1.8. 使用2.1.8的结果相同。 Same result using the run-as-administrator command line msiexec instructions, same result running the installer as administrator, same result installing for current user or all users. 使用run-as-administrator命令行msiexec指令得出的结果相同,与管理员运行安装程序的结果相同,对于当前用户或所有用户安装的结果相同。

Enthought support here. 在这里寻求支持。 Sounds like there's something unusual about your current system status. 听起来您当前的系统状态有些不寻常。 Most likely would be interference from a 3rd-party anti-virus program, or similar. 最有可能是来自第三方防病毒程序或类似程序的干扰。 If temporarily disabling that doesn't help, then please run msiexec /Lv*x canopy-msi.log ... etc... , then zip and send the resulting log, with a link to this SO question, to support@enthought.com. 如果暂时禁用它没有帮助,请运行msiexec /Lv*x canopy-msi.log ... etc... ,然后压缩并将生成的日志(带有此SO问题的链接)发送至support @ enthought .COM。 We'll look at it as time permits, though we do not have the bandwidth to help you debug your system setup. 尽管我们没有足够的带宽来帮助您调试系统设置,但我们会在时间允许的情况下进行研究。

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