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[英]putting a list (.txt) file into a 2D array

I'm trying to separate a text file (which has a list of 200 strings) and store each other string (even number and odd number in the list) into a 2D Array. 我正在尝试分离一个文本文件(具有200个字符串的列表),并将每个其他字符串(列表中的偶数和奇数)存储到2D数组中。

The text file is ordered in this way (without the numbers): 文本文件以这种方式排序(没有数字):

  1. Alabama 阿拉巴马
  2. Brighton 布莱顿
  3. Arkansas 阿肯色州
  4. Bermuda 百慕大
  5. Averton Averton
  6. Burmingham 伯明翰

I would like to store it in a 2 dimensional array called strLine[101][2] iterating throughout so the first string in the list is in location [0][0] and the second string of the list is in location [0][1], etc until the file finishes reading and the list becomes organized like this (without the numbers): 我想将其存储在一个称为strLine [101] [2]的二维数组中,以便对其进行遍历,以便列表中的第一个字符串位于位置[0] [0],列表的第二个字符串位于位置[0] [1],依此类推,直到文件读完并且列表变成这样(没有数字)为止为止:

  1. Alabama | 阿拉巴马州 | Brighton 布莱顿
  2. Arkansas | 阿肯色州 | Bermuda 百慕大
  3. Avertinon | Avertinon | Burmingham 伯明翰

My code outputs the original unsorted list at the moment, i would like to know how to implement the 2d array (with correct syntax) and how to implement an i, j for-loop in the getline() function so it can iterate through each element of the 2D array. 我的代码目前输出原始的未排序列表,我想知道如何实现2d数组(使用正确的语法)以及如何在getline()函数中实现i,j for循环,以便它可以迭代每个2D数组的元素。

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

My code: 我的代码:

bool LoadListBox()

    // Declarations
    ifstream fInput;                                // file handle
    string strLine[201];                            // array of string to hold file data
    int index = 0;                                  // index of StrLine array
    TCHAR szOutput[50];                             // output to listbox, 
    50 char TCHAR

    // File Open Process
    fInput.open("data.txt");                        // opens the file for read only
    if (fInput.is_open())
        getline(                                    // read a line from the file
            fInput,                                 // handle of file to read
            strLine[index]);                    // storage destination and index iterator

        while (fInput.good())                       // while loop for open file
            getline(                                // read line from data file
                fInput,                             // file handle to read
                strLine[index++]);              // storage destination

        fInput.close();                             // close the file
        index = 0;                                  // resets back to start of string

        while (strLine[index] != "")                // while loop for string not void
            size_t pReturnValue;                    // return code for mbstowcs_s

            mbstowcs_s(                             // converts string to TCHAR
                &pReturnValue,                      // return value
                szOutput,                           // destination of the TCHAR
                50,                                 // size of the destination TCHAR
                strLine[index].c_str(),             // source of string as char
                50);                                // max # of chars to copy

            SendMessage(                            // message to a control
                hWnd_ListBox,                       // handle to listbox
                LB_ADDSTRING,                       // append string to listbox
                NULL,                               // window parameter not used
                LPARAM(szOutput));                  // TCHAR to add

            index++;                                // next element of string array
        return true;                                // file loaded okay 
    return false;                                   // file did not load okay

Step 1 第1步

Transform string strLine[201]; 转换string strLine[201]; to string place[100][2]; string place[100][2];string place[100][2]; . Also consider making a 还可以考虑制作一个

struct place
    std::string state;
    std::string city;

because it is a bit more explicit what exactly is being stored. 因为它更确切地存储了什么。 More expressive code is easier to read, generally prevents mistakes (harder to accidentally use strLine[x][2] or something like that), and requires less commenting. 更具表现力的代码更易于阅读,通常可以防止错误(更难于偶然使用strLine[x][2]或类似的东西),并且需要更少的注释。 Code that comments itself should be a personal goal. 注释本身的代码应该是个人目标。 The compiler doesn't care, of course, but few people are compilers. 编译器当然不在乎,但是很少有人是编译器。

Step 2 第2步

Use two separate index variables. 使用两个单独的index变量。 Name the first something like num_entries because what it's really doing is counting the number of items in the array. 将第一个名称命名为num_entries因为它实际上是在计算数组中的项目数。

Step 3 第三步

Read two lines into the inner array and test the result of the reads. 将两行读入内部数组并测试读取结果。 If they read successfully, increment the index . 如果他们读取成功,则增加index

while (getline(fInput, place[num_entries][0]) && getline(fInput, place[num_entries][1]))

Step 4 (optional clean-up) 步骤4(可选清理)

Step 2 turns while (strLine[index] != "") into while (index < num_entries) 步骤2将while (strLine[index] != "")转换为while (index < num_entries)

Replace all of the 50 s with a constant. 用一个常数替换所有的50 s。 That way you can't change the value and miss a few 50 s AND it's easier to infer meaning from a good, descriptive identifier than a raw number. 这样,您就无法更改值并且错过了50 s的时间,并且比原始数字更容易从一个好的描述性标识符中推断出含义。

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