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[英]Java interrupting/stopping Timer


I have an if statement, that checks if my object (wizard) hit an item . 我有一个if语句,该语句检查我的对象(向导)是否击中了item If he did, the size of the wizard will change and he should be able to survive 1 collision with an obstacle. 如果他这样做了,向导的大小将发生变化,他应该能够承受1次障碍物的碰撞。

Right now I'm stuck at "surviving 1 obstacle collision", because in my collision method I have set it up so that if InvulnerabilityActive is true, then it shouldn't detect collision. 现在,我陷入“幸存1个障碍物碰撞”的困境,因为在我的碰撞方法中,我已经对其进行了设置,因此,如果InvulnerabilityActive为true,则它不应检测到碰撞。

So the problem is that, during the entire duration (9 seconds), no collision with an obstacle is being detected. 因此,问题在于,在整个持续时间(9秒)内,没有检测到与障碍物的碰撞。 The wizard just flies through. 向导飞过。 How can I change it, so that it doesn't detect collision with the first obstacle and then deactivates the item? 如何更改它,以使其不会检测到与第一个障碍物的碰撞,然后将其停用?

I thought of using the Timer.cancel() method, but as you can see I can only refer to it with the this keyword. 我考虑过使用Timer.cancel()方法,但是如您所见,我只能使用this关键字来引用它。 I can't call Timer.cancel() before I use the Timer itself. 在使用Timer本身之前,无法调用Timer.cancel()

Here is the collision with the item. 这是与物品的碰撞。

try {
    invulnerability = new Rectangle(GameWorld.obstacle1.getX() - GameRenderer.generator2.getValue2(),
            GameWorld.obstacle1.getY() + GameRenderer.generator2.getValue1(), 15, 15);
    if ((Intersector.overlaps(GameWorld.wizard.getBoundingRectangle(), invulnerability))){
        GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive = true;
        activeItem = true;
        case0 = true; 
        new java.util.Timer().schedule(
                new java.util.TimerTask() {
                    public void run() {
                        GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive = false;
                        activeItem = false;
                        case0 = false;
} catch (NullPointerException e){
     System.out.println("Caught NullPointerException!");

Here's the collision with an obstacle method: 这是使用障碍物方法的碰撞:

public boolean collides(Wizard wizard) {
   if (GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive){
       return false;
   } else {
       return (Intersector.overlaps(wizard.getBoundingRectangle(), barUp)
               || Intersector.overlaps(wizard.getBoundingRectangle(), barDown));

I know that the problem is due to the if statement, because it just checks whether the item is active or not, but I don't know how to change it to make it work. 我知道问题是由于if语句引起的,因为它只是检查项目是否处于活动状态,但是我不知道如何对其进行更改以使其起作用。

You need to check collisions first. 您需要先检查冲突。 If collision detected - check InvulnerabilityActive . 如果检测到冲突,请检查InvulnerabilityActive If it is true - reset it to false and return false. 如果为true ,请将其重置为false然后返回false。 On next collision InvulnerabilityActive will be false and collision will be detected. 在下一次碰撞时, InvulnerabilityActive将为false,并且将检测到碰撞。

public boolean collides(Wizard wizard) {
    if (Intersector.overlaps(wizard.getBoundingRectangle(), barUp)
            || Intersector.overlaps(wizard.getBoundingRectangle(), barDown)) {
        if (GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    } else {
        return false;

There may be problem like "wizard flies through obstacle and collisions are constantly detected". 可能会出现诸如“向导越过障碍物并不断检测到碰撞”之类的问题。 In that case: add extra field bool InvulnerabilityActivePending to GameRenderer . 在这种情况下:向GameRenderer添加额外的字段bool InvulnerabilityActivePending Add GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActivePending = true; 添加GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActivePending = true; next to GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive = true; GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive = true;旁边GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive = true; . And use this code: 并使用以下代码:

public boolean collides(Wizard wizard) {
    if (Intersector.overlaps(wizard.getBoundingRectangle(), barUp)
            || Intersector.overlaps(wizard.getBoundingRectangle(), barDown)) {
        if (GameRenderer.InvulnerabilityActive) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    } else {
        return false;

Instead of resetting InvulnerabilityActive on collision start, we reset it when collision ends. 我们不会在碰撞开始时重置InvulnerabilityActive ,而是在碰撞结束时将其重置。

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