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[英]Match everything after and before something regex Java

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

    String stringToSearch = "https://example.com/excludethis123456/moretext";

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<=.com\\/excludethis).*\\/"); //search for this pattern 
    Matcher m = p.matcher(stringToSearch); //match pattern in StringToSearch

    String store= "";

    // print match and store match in String Store
    if (m.find())
        String theGroup = m.group(0);
        System.out.format("'%s'\n", theGroup); 
        store = theGroup;

    //repeat the process
    Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("(.*)[^\\/]");
    Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(store);

    if (m1.find())
        String theGroup = m1.group(0);
        System.out.format("'%s'\n", theGroup);

I want to to match everything that is after excludethis and before a / that comes after. 我想匹配excludethis之后和/之后的所有内容。

With "(?<=.com\\\\/excludethis).*\\\\/" regex I will match 123456/ and store that in String store . 使用"(?<=.com\\\\/excludethis).*\\\\/"正则表达式,我将匹配123456/并将其存储在String store After that with "(.*)[^\\\\/]" I will exclude / and get 123456 . 之后用"(.*)[^\\\\/]"排除/并得到123456

Can I do this in one line, ie combine these two regex? 我可以在一行中执行此操作,即将这两个正则表达式合并吗? I can't figure out how to combine them. 我不知道如何合并它们。

This may be useful for you :) 这可能对您有用:)

String stringToSearch = "https://example.com/excludethis123456/moretext";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("excludethis([\\d\\D]+?)/");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(stringToSearch);

if (matcher.find()) {
    String result = matcher.group(1);

Just like you have used a positive look behind, you can use a positive look ahead and change your regex to this, 就像您使用正面的外观一样,您可以使用正面的外观并将正则表达式更改为此,


Also, in Java you don't need to escape / 另外,在Java中,您无需转义/

Your modified code, 您修改的代码,

String stringToSearch = "https://example.com/excludethis123456/moretext";

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<=.com/excludethis).*(?=/)"); // search for this pattern
Matcher m = p.matcher(stringToSearch); // match pattern in StringToSearch

String store = "";

// print match and store match in String Store
if (m.find()) {
    String theGroup = m.group(0);
    System.out.format("'%s'\n", theGroup);
    store = theGroup;
System.out.println("Store: " + store);

Prints, 打印,

Store: 123456

Like you wanted to capture the value. 就像您想抓住价值一样。

If you don't want to use regex , you could just try with String::substring * 如果您不想使用regexregex可以尝试使用String::substring *

String stringToSearch = "https://example.com/excludethis123456/moretext";
String exclusion = "excludethis";
System.out.println(stringToSearch.substring(stringToSearch.indexOf(exclusion)).substring(exclusion.length(), stringToSearch.substring(stringToSearch.indexOf(exclusion)).indexOf("/")));

Output: 输出:

123456 123456

* Definitely don't actually use this * 绝对不要实际使用

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