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Java Regex以前的一切和包括匹配

[英]Java Regex Everything Before and Including Match

I need the regex expression to remove any text before a match and including the match 我需要正则表达式来删除匹配前的任何文本并包括匹配

eg. 例如。 I want to remove "123S" and everything before it, I know I can do this with 我想删除“123S”及其前面的所有内容,我知道我可以使用它


But really want to do it in a single expression (can't find another example anywhere!) 但是真的想在一个表达式中做到这一点(在任何地方找不到另一个例子!)

You can do it with: 你可以这样做:


Remove non-greedy ? 删除非贪心? to match last occurence and .* everything before. 匹配最后一次出现和.*之前的一切。

You don't need the look ahead: 你不需要前瞻:


This replaces the first occurence only, if that is what you need (output is def123Sxyz ). 如果这是你需要的(输出是def123Sxyz ),它只替换第一次 def123Sxyz

In case you want to replace up to the last 123S, just remove the ? 如果你想要更换到最后的123S,只需删除? modifier: 修改:


Output is xyz . 输出是xyz

string.replaceAll("^.*?123S", "");

(?=是你不想要的“if follow by”模式,而[123S]甚至不正确它只会捕获'2'。



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