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[英]Modifying dataframe column based on another column values

I have a dataframe with two columns and want to modify one column based on value of other column.我有一个包含两列的数据框,想根据另一列的值修改一列。


unit        name
feet        abcd_feet
celcius     abcd_celcius
yard        bcde_yard
yard        bcde

If the unit is feet or yard and the name ends with it then I wanna remove it from the column.如果单位是feetyard并且名称以它结尾,那么我想将它从列中删除。

unit        name
feet        abcd
celcius     abcd_celcius
yard        bcde
yard        bcde

There are two possible ways of solving your problem:有两种可能的方法可以解决您的问题:

First method , the faster, as pandas is column-based:第一种方法,速度更快,因为熊猫是基于列的:

UNITS_TO_REMOVE = {'feet', 'yard'}

df['value_'], df['unit_'] = df['name'].str.split('_').str
values_to_clean = (df['unit_'].isin(UNITS_TO_REMOVE)) & (df['unit_'] == df['unit'])
df.loc[values_to_clean, 'name'] = df.loc[values_to_clean, 'value_']
df.drop(columns=['unit_', 'value_'], inplace=True)

Here is the result,这是结果,

    unit    name
0   feet    abcd
1   celcius abcd_celcius
2   yard    bcde
3   yard    bcde

Performances: 20 ms ± 401 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) (on a (4000, 2) dataframe)性能:每个循环 20 ms ± 401 µs(7 次运行的平均值 ± 标准偏差,每次 100 次循环) (在 (4000, 2) 数据帧上)

Second method , using apply (which is sometimes the only available solution):第二种方法,使用 apply(有时是唯一可用的解决方案):

UNITS_TO_REMOVE = {'feet', 'yard'}

def remove_unit(unit, value):
    if unit not in UNITS_TO_REMOVE or '_' not in value:
        return value
        row_value, row_unit = value.split('_')
        if row_unit == unit:
            return row_value
            return value

df['name'] = df.apply(lambda row: remove_unit(row['unit'], row['name']), axis=1)


    unit    name
0   feet    abcd
1   celcius abcd_celcius
2   yard    bcde
3   yard    bcde

Performances: 152 ms ± 3.95 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)性能:每个循环 152 ms ± 3.95 ms(7 次运行的平均值 ± 标准偏差,每次 10 次循环)

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