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[英]How to add calculated row based on mulitple column and row values in r in?

If I have a dataframe below and I want to add another row for each group in r:如果我在下面有一个数据框并且我想为 r 中的每个组添加另一行:

dataframe before:之前的数据框:

Letter   Value
A         1
A         2
A         3
B         1
B         2
B         3

If I just wanted to add another row for each group that averaged those rows, how would I go about that:如果我只想为平均这些行的每个组添加另一行,我将如何处理:

dataframe after:之后的数据帧:

Letter   Value
A         1
A         2
A         3
A         2
B         1
B         2
B         3
B         2

A base R solution could be基本的 R 解决方案可能是

do.call(rbind, lapply(split(df, df$Letter),
    function(x) rbind(x, c(unique(x$Letter), mean(x$Value)))))
#    Letter Value
#A.1       A     1
#A.2       A     2
#A.3       A     3
#A.4       A     2
#B.4       B     1
#B.5       B     2
#B.6       B     3
#B.41      B     2

This requires column Letter to be a character vector.这要求Letter列是一个character向量。 If Letter is a factor you can convert from factor to character vector如果Letter是一个factor您可以从factor转换为character向量

df$Letter <- as.character(df$Letter)

Sample data样本数据

df <- read.table(text =
    "Letter   Value
A         1
A         2
A         3
B         1
B         2
B         3", header = T, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Calculate the mean of value by letter giving ag , rbind that to the end of DF giving DF2 and sort.通过给出ag的字母计算值的平均值,将其绑定到给出DF2DF的末尾并排序。

ag <- aggregate(value ~ letter, DF, mean)
DF2 <- rbind(DF, ag)

o <- order(DF2$letter, rownames(DF2))
DF2[o, ]


  letter value
1      A     1
2      A     2
3      A     3
7      A     2
4      B     1
5      B     2
6      B     3
8      B     2


The input DF in reproducible form is:可重现形式的输入DF是:

DF <- data.frame(letter = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3), value = 1:3)

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