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[英]Constructing full binary tree given only postorder?

I'm trying to construct a full binary tree (full meaning that every non leaf node has two leaf nodes connecting to it, ie node->right and node->left are != NULL ) given only the postorder traversal of the tree. 我正在尝试构造一个完整的二叉树(完全意味着每个非叶节点都有两个与其连接的叶节点,即node->rightnode->left!= NULL ),仅给出了树的后序遍历。 In addition, I am given whether or not the node in the postorder traversal is a leaf node or not. 另外,还给出了后遍历中的节点是否为叶节点。 The given postorder traversal looks like this: 给定的后序遍历如下所示:

(1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00)
(1.000000e+00 2.000000e+00)

for example, where a line of the format "%d(%le)" is a leaf node and "(%le %le)" is a non-leaf node. 例如,格式为"%d(%le)"的一行是叶节点,而"(%le %le)"是一个非叶节点。 Normally you can't construct a tree using only postorder because there would be multiple possibilities for connections, but I'm sure that being able to differentiate leaf vs. non-leaf nodes is important somehow. 通常,您不能仅使用后序来构造树,因为存在多种连接可能性,但是我敢肯定,区分叶子节点和非叶子节点在某种程度上很重要。 My current function looks like this: 我当前的函数如下所示:

Node *constructTreeHelper(FILE *infile, int *index) { 
    // Base case 
    if (*index <= 0) {
        return NULL; 
    Node *root = NULL;

    // Check for the "(" character
    int check;
    check = getc(infile);
    fseek(infile, -1, SEEK_CUR);

    // If the node is not a leaf node
    if (check == 40) {
        double lwire, rwire;
        fscanf(infile, "(%le %le)\n", &lwire, &rwire);
        root = createNode(0, 0, lwire, rwire);
        *index = *index - 1;
        if (*index >= 0) { 
            root->right = constructTreeHelper(infile, index); 
            root->left = constructTreeHelper(infile, index); 
    } else {
        // If the node is a leaf node
        int sink;
        double cap;
        fscanf(infile, "%d(%le)\n", &sink, &cap);
        root = createNode(sink, cap, 0, 0);
        *index = *index - 1;
        if (*index >= 0) { 
            root->right = constructTreeHelper(infile, index); 
            root->left = constructTreeHelper(infile, index); 
    return root;

where index is equal to the number of nodes in the tree - 1. Obviously, this implementation only builds nodes to the right. 其中index等于树中的节点数-1。显然,此实现仅在右侧构建节点。 How can I update this to properly construct the tree? 如何更新它以正确构造树?

Edit: Let me add some more information about what I know. 编辑:让我添加一些有关我所知道的更多信息。 So, the first node always has to be a leaf node, and the last node always has to be the root. 因此,第一个节点始终必须是叶节点,而最后一个节点始终必须是根节点。 Since this is not a binary search tree, but rather simply a binary tree, you cannot recursively call the function with updated range parameters each time. 由于这不是二进制搜索树,而是简单的二进制树,因此您不能每次使用更新的范围参数来递归调用该函数。 My implementation should solve it in O(n) time, but I just can't figure out how to make use of the knowledge in whether or not a node is a leaf node in constructing the tree. 我的实现应在O(n)时间内解决它,但我只是想不通如何在构造树时利用节点是否为叶节点的知识。

There are some problems in your code: 您的代码中存在一些问题:

  • you should use ungetc() instead of fseek() to backtrack by one character to avoid failure on streams that do not support seeking. 您应该使用ungetc()而不是fseek()来回溯一个字符,以避免在不支持查找的流上失败。

  • you should write (check == '(') instead of hard coding the ASCII character value. It is both more portable and more readable. 您应该编写(check == '(')而不是对ASCII字符值进行硬编码。它既可移植,也更具可读性。

  • To avoid undefined behavior, you should check for EOF and for fscanf() parsing success. 为避免未定义的行为,应检查EOFfscanf()解析是否成功。 As a matter of fact, this would avoid the need for the test on check . 实际上,这将避免对check进行测试的需要。

  • When you parse a leaf node, you should not recurse and parse further nodes below the current one. 解析叶节点时,不应递归并解析当前节点以下的其他节点。

  • index seems redundant as the sequence of nodes should suffice to full determine where to stop. index似乎是多余的,因为节点的顺序应该足以完全确定在哪里停止。

Here is a modified version: 这是修改后的版本:

Node *constructTreeHelper(FILE *infile, int *index) { 
    double lwire, rwire;
    int sink;
    double cap;
    Node *node;

    // Base case 
    if (*index <= 0) {
        // This test seems redundant with the file contents */
        return NULL; 

    // this fscanf will fail on the byte byte if it is not a '('
    if (fscanf(infile, " (%le %le)", &lwire, &rwire) == 2) {
       // If the node is not a leaf node
        node = createNode(0, 0, lwire, rwire);
        *index -= 1;
        node->right = constructTreeHelper(infile, index); 
        node->left = constructTreeHelper(infile, index); 
    } else if (fscanf(infile, "%d(%le)\n", &sink, &cap) == 2) {
        // If the node is a leaf node
        node = createNode(sink, cap, 0, 0);
        *index -= 1;
    } else {
        // invalid format or end of file */
        node = NULL;
    return node;

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