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为什么/何时应该在std :: vector <>上使用std :: unique / shared_ptr(std :: vector <>)?

[英]Why/when should I use std::unique/shared_ptr (std::vector<>) over just std::vector<>?

I'm a little bit confused about the main use of std::unique/shared_ptr(std::vector<>) when I can simply use a std::vector<> , which, as I know, is itself inherently a dynamic array. 当我可以简单地使用std::vector<>时,我对std::unique/shared_ptr(std::vector<>)的主要用法有些困惑,据我所知,它本身就是动态的数组。 As I have also seen around, people say that there is no any performance difference between these two. 正如我在周围所看到的,人们说这两者之间没有任何性能差异。 So, based on all this, what is the point of using a smart pointer pointing to a container (in this case, a vector) instead of a vector alone? 因此,基于所有这些,使用指向容器(在本例中为向量)而不是向量的智能指针有什么意义?

First of all, you shouldn't be using std::shared_ptr unless you need the specific "shared ownership" semantics associated with std::shared_ptr . 首先,你不应该使用std::shared_ptr ,除非你需要特定的关联“共同拥有”语义std::shared_ptr If you need a smart pointer, you should default to std::unique_ptr by default, and only switch away from it in the scenario where you expressly find that you need to. 如果您需要智能指针,则默认情况下应默认使用std::unique_ptr ,并且仅在明确发现需std::unique_ptr的情况下才将其切换。

Secondly: ostensibly , the reason to prefer std::unique_ptr<TYPE> over TYPE is if you plan to move the object around a lot. 其次: 表面上看 ,首选std::unique_ptr<TYPE>不是TYPE是如果您计划将对象移动很多。 This is the common design paradigm for large objects that are either unmovable, or otherwise expensive to move—ie they implemented a Copy Constructor and didn't implement a Move Constructor, so moves are forced to behave like a Copy. 这是不可移动或移动昂贵的大型对象的常见设计范例,即大型对象实现了复制构造函数而未实现移动构造函数,因此移动被迫表现得像“复制”。

std::vector , however, does have relatively efficient move semantics: if you move a std::vector around, regardless of how complex its contained types are, the move only constitutes a couple of pointer swaps. 但是, std::vector确实具有相对有效的移动语义:如果左右移动std::vector ,无论其所包含的类型有多复杂,该移动仅构成几个指针交换。 There's no real risk that moving a std::vector will incur a large amount of computational complexity. 移动std::vector不会引起大量的计算复杂性,这没有真正的风险。 Even in the scenario where you're overriding a previously allocated array (invoking the Destructors of all objects in the vector), you'd still have that complexity if you were using std::unique_ptr<std::vector<TYPE>> instead, saving you nothing. 即使在覆盖先前分配的数组(调用向量中所有对象的析构函数)的情况下,如果您使用的是std::unique_ptr<std::vector<TYPE>> ,仍然会遇到这种复杂性,什么都不省。

There are two advantages to std::unique_ptr<std::vector<TYPE>> . std::unique_ptr<std::vector<TYPE>>有两个优点。 The first of which is that it gets rid of the implicit copy constructor; 第一个是它摆脱了隐式副本构造函数。 maybe you want to enforce to maintaining programmers that the object shouldn't be copied. 也许您想强制维护程序员不要复制该对象。 But that's a pretty niche use. 但这是相当利基的用途。 The other advantage is that it allows you to stipulate the scenario where there's no vector, ie vec.size() == 0 is a different condition than doesNotExist(vec) . 另一个优点是,它允许您规定没有向量的情况,即vec.size() == 0是与doesNotExist(vec)不同的条件。 But even in that scenario, you should be preferring std::optional<std::vector> instead, which better conveys through the code the intent of the object. 但是即使在这种情况下,您也应该更喜欢std::optional<std::vector> ,它可以更好地通过代码传达对象的意图。 Granted, std::optional is only available in C++17→ Code, so maybe you're in an environment that hasn't implemented it yet. 授予的std::optional仅在C ++ 17→代码中可用,因此也许您处于尚未实现它的环境中。 But otherwise, there's little reason to use std::unique_ptr<std::vector> . 但是否则,没有理由使用std::unique_ptr<std::vector>

So in general, I don't believe there are practical uses for std::unique_ptr<std::vector> . 因此,总的来说,我认为std::unique_ptr<std::vector>没有实际用途。 There's no practical performance difference between it and std::vector , and using it will just make your code needlessly complex. 它和std::vector之间没有实际的性能差异,使用它只会使您的代码不必要地复杂。

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