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如何使用Node require在另一个Javascript文件中定义类的功能?

[英]How do you define a function of a class in another Javascript file using Node require?

Let's say I have a class A defined in its own JavaScript file, like this: 假设我在自己的JavaScript文件中定义了一个类A ,如下所示:

A.js A.js

class A {
    constructor() {
        // blah blah blah
    func() {
        // a long function

If I have a function (eg func() ) that I want to be contained in its own file (for organizational purposes), how would I accomplish this? 如果我有一个函数(例如func() )要包含在其自己的文件中(出于组织目的),我将如何实现?

What I want is something like this: 我想要的是这样的:

A.js A.js

class A {
    constructor() {
        this.func = {};
} exports.A = A;

ADefinition.js ADefinition.js

var A = require('./A.js');
A.func = () => {
    // a long function

This obviously doesn't work, but how would one accomplish this? 这显然是行不通的,但是如何做到这一点呢?

Classes are mostly just syntax sugar. 类大多只是语法糖。 In ES5, you define prototype functions by assigning to the prototype: 在ES5中,您可以通过分配给原型来定义原型功能:

function A() {
A.prototype.func = function() {

Classes can work the same way: 类可以以相同的方式工作:

var A = require('./A.js');
A.prototype.func = () => {
    // a long function

Though, note that if you use an arrow function, you won't have access to the instance - you may well need a full-fledged function instead: 不过,请注意,如果使用箭头功能,则将无法访问该实例-您可能需要一个功能完善的功能:

A.prototype.func = function() {
    // a long function

Also, personally, I think I'd prefer to put func on the class next to the class definition for code clarity, rather than running a module that performs side effects (like your current code is attempting to do), for example: 另外,就我个人而言,我认为我希望将func放在类定义旁边的类上, 提高代码的清晰度,而不是运行执行副作用的模块(例如您当前的代码正在尝试做的事情),例如:

const func = require('./func.js');
class A {
  constructor() {
A.prototype.func = func;

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