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你如何在 JavaScript 中定义一个 OOP 类?

[英]How do you define an OOP class in JavaScript?

Based on my observation, the book that I am reading about JavaScript states that there's an OOP with JavaScript?根据我的观察,我正在阅读的关于 JavaScript 的书指出 JavaScript 存在 OOP? It doesn't tell much about it, I mean it wasn't explained how to define a class.它没有说明太多,我的意思是没有解释如何定义一个类。 Can someone give me a sample snippet?有人可以给我一个示例片段吗?


JavaScript is Prototype based and not class based. JavaScript 是基于原型的,而不是基于类的。

Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is performed via a process of cloning existing objects that serve as prototypes.基于原型的编程是一种面向对象的编程风格,其中不存在类,行为重用(在基于类的语言中称为继承)是通过克隆作为原型的现有对象的过程来执行的。 This model can also be known as class-less, prototype-oriented or instance-based programming.这种模型也可以称为无类、面向原型或基于实例的编程。 Delegation is the language feature that supports prototype-based programming.委托是支持基于原型的编程的语言特性。

I recommend this book for a concise, precise explanation of both how to use JS's prototypal inheritance as well as how to emulate classical OO inheritance in JS.我推荐这本书,以简洁、准确地解释如何使用 JS 的原型继承以及如何在 JS 中模拟经典的 OO 继承。


Any function in javascript can be used to create an object: javascript 中的任何函数都可以用来创建一个对象:


function MyPoint(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.distanceTo = getDistance;

function getDistance(p) {
  var dx = this.x-p.x;
  var dy = this.y-p.y;
  return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

var p0 = new MyPoint(1, 2);
var p1 = new MyPoint(2, 3);

window.alert('The distance is ' + p0.distanceTo(p1));

The following snippet may help you getting started with JavaScript's class-less, instance-based objects:以下代码片段可以帮助您开始使用 JavaScript 的无类、基于实例的对象:

function getArea() {  
   return (this.radius * this.radius * 3.14);  

function getCircumference() {  
   var diameter = this.radius * 2;  
   var circumference = diameter * 3.14;  
   return circumference;  

function Circle(radius) {  
   this.radius = radius;  
   this.getArea = getArea;  
   this.getCircumference = getCircumference;  

var bigCircle = new Circle(100);  
var smallCircle = new Circle(2);

alert(bigCircle.getArea());            // displays 31400  
alert(bigCircle.getCircumference());   // displays 618  
alert(smallCircle.getArea());          // displays 12.56  
alert(smallCircle.getCircumference()); // displays 12.56

Example from: SitePoint - JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming示例来自: SitePoint - JavaScript 面向对象编程

Here are couple different ways这里有几种不同的方式

if (typeof FFX == "undefined") {
    FFX = {};

//Static class
FFX.Util = ({
     return {


//Instance class
FFX.Util2 = ({
    // private method
    var methodA=function(){
     return {
      //Call private method
var x= new FFX.Util();

Another way其它的办法

function MyClass(){

/* privileged functions */
MyClass.prototype.hello = function(){

Also you could see how jquery, prototype and alike handle classes and see if thats fits you needs.您还可以看到 jquery、prototype 等如何处理类,看看这是否适合您的需要。

There is no one standard way of doing OOP in JavaScript.在 JavaScript 中没有一种标准的 OOP 方法。 Everyone uses slightly different class/instance systems and most books fudge the issue.每个人使用的类/实例系统都略有不同,而且大多数书籍都掩盖了这个问题。 See this question for discussion of ways to work with OO in JS and pick your favourite.请参阅此问题以讨论在 JS 中使用 OO 的方法并选择您最喜欢的方法。

In JavaScript everything is a object.在 JavaScript 中,一切都是对象。 So even a function is a object.所以即使是一个函数也是一个对象。 So in js (less then < version 2), function makes classes (which are first class objects themselves).因此,在 js 中(小于 < 版本 2),函数创建类(它们本身就是第一类对象)。 Go here , here and here for understanding better这里这里这里更好地理解

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