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你如何在 JavaScript 中将一个类表示为一个函数

[英]How do you represent a class as a function in JavaScript

Per Classes in MDN MDN 中的每个

Classes are in fact "special functions"类实际上是“特殊功能”

How would something like怎么会喜欢

class Foo {
  constructor(x) {
    this.x = x;

  foo() {}


be translated to just function (ignoring the "hoisting" feature)被翻译成只是function (忽略“提升”功能)

 // declare the "class" function Foo (x) { this.x = x; } // declare the instance method Foo.prototype.foo = function () { return 'i am foo'; } // create an instance const f = new Foo(42); // invoke its methods console.log(f.foo()); // 'i am foo' // access its properties console.log(fx); // 42

Non hoisted , (as much as constructor functions based on class syntax are not hoisted ,) due to an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) which serves as module pattern ...悬挂,(多达基于的语法构造函数不升起,)由于立即被调用函数表达式(IIFE)用作模块图案...

const Foo = (function () {    //  class Foo {
  function Foo(x) {           //    constructor(x) {
    this.x = x;               //      this.x = x;
  }                           //    }
  function foo() {            //    foo() {
  }                           //
  Foo.prototype.foo = foo;    //    }
  return Foo;                 //
}());                         //  }

Well really everything is objects - a class is simply a blueprint for an object that has some methods and some values.好吧,真的一切都是对象——一个类只是一个对象的蓝图,它有一些方法和一些值。 It's all objects with features that can either store values or transform values.它是具有可以存储值或转换值的功能的所有对象。

A class is something - a function does something.一个类就是一个东西——一个函数做一些事情。 Calling it a special function is if anything unnecessary at best and confusing at worst.称其为特殊功能是最好的不必要的,最坏的情况是令人困惑。

Basically - don't worry about it.基本上 - 不要担心。

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