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使用带有外部C ++库的Rcpp构建R包时的未定义参考

[英]Undefined reference when building R package using Rcpp with an external C++ library

I'm trying to create a R package for my own use, that is using Rcpp and whose C++ code include the Levmar library. 我正在尝试创建一个R包供我自己使用,即使用Rcpp,其C ++代码包括Levmar库。 I'm working on Windows. 我在Windows上工作。

The C++ code works fine when I build it using CMake for example and run it with Visual Studio. 例如,当我使用CMake构建C ++代码并使用Visual Studio运行它时,C ++代码就可以正常工作。 But when I put this code in my R package and try to build it, I get the following error : 但是,当我将此代码放入R包并尝试构建它时,出现以下错误:

levmar_example_r.o:levmar_example_r.cpp:(.text+0x281): undefined reference to `dlevmar_der' levmar_example_r.o:levmar_example_r.cpp :(。text + 0x281):对'dlevmar_der'的未定义引用

(dlevmar_der is declared in levmar.h which is included in my R package, see below) (dlevmar_der在levmar.h中声明,该文件包含在我的R包中,请参见下文)

I have already read quite a lot of SO posts on how to build a R package with external libraries like this or this but it didn't help me to solve my problem. 我已经阅读了很多关于如何构建A R封装,如外部库,以便帖子这个还是这个 ,但它并没有帮助我解决我的问题。

The structure of my package : 我的包裹的结构:

  |- levmar.lib
  |- include/
      |- levmar.h
  |- Makevars
  |- Makevars.win
  |- levmar_example_r.cpp
  |- RcppExports.cpp

Content of Makevars/Makevars.win Makevars / Makevars.win的内容

PKG_LIBS = -L../bin -llevmar
PKG_CPPFLAGS = -I../inst/include 

The C++ code (levmar_example_r.cpp) C ++代码(levmar_example_r.cpp)

#include <iostream>
#include <levmar.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <Rcpp.h>

void fun(double *p, double *x, int m, int n, void *data_){
  double a = p[0];
  double b = p[1];

  double *data = (double *) data_;

  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
      x[i] = log(a*data[i]+b);

void jacFun(double *p, double *jac, int m, int n, void *data_){
  double a = p[0]; 
  double b = p[1];

  double *data = (double *) data_;

  int k, l;
  for(l=k=0; l < n; l++){
    jac[k++] = data[l]/(a*data[l]+b);
    jac[k++] = 1/(a*data[l]+b);


// [[Rcpp::export]]
void test_levmar(){
  int m = 2; // # of parameters
  int n = 40; // # of observations

  double a = 1.0;
  double b = 2.0;

  double data[] = {0.119047619047619, 0.238095238095238,    0.357142857142857, 0.476190476190476,   0.595238095238095, 0.714285714285714, 1.07142857142857, 1.42857142857143,
    0.119047619047619   ,0.238095238095238, 0.357142857142857, 0.476190476190476, 0.595238095238095, 0.714285714285714  ,1.07142857142857, 1.42857142857143 ,
    0.119047619047619,  0.238095238095238,  0.357142857142857,  0.476190476190476,  0.595238095238095,  0.714285714285714,  1.07142857142857,   1.42857142857143,
    0.119047619047619,  0.238095238095238,  0.357142857142857,  0.476190476190476   ,0.595238095238095, 0.714285714285714,  1.07142857142857,   1.42857142857143,
    0.119047619047619,  0.238095238095238   ,0.357142857142857, 0.476190476190476,  0.595238095238095,  0.714285714285714,  1.07142857142857,   1.42857142857143};

  double popti[2];
  popti[0] = a; popti[1] = b;

  double x[40];
  fun(popti, x, m, n, (void *) data);

  // algorithm parameters
  double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ], info[LM_INFO_SZ];
  // stopping thresholds for
  opts[1]=1E-10;       // ||J^T e||_inf
  opts[2]=1E-10;       // ||Dp||_2
  opts[3]=1E-10;       // ||e||_2
  opts[4]= LM_DIFF_DELTA; // finite difference if used

  double p[2];
  p[0] = 3.0; p[1] = 1.0;

  dlevmar_der(fun,jacFun,p,x,m,n,100,opts,info,NULL,NULL,(void *) data);

  std::cout << "Optimum found:" << std::scientific << std::setprecision(8)<< "\t"<< p[0]<< "\t" << p[1]<< std::endl;

I have also tried to put all headers of the levmar library in the inst/include folder and all the .c files in a src/levmar folder and consequently remove 我还尝试将levmar库的所有标头放在inst / include文件夹中,并将所有.c文件放在src / levmar文件夹中,然后删除

PKG_LIBS = -L../bin -llevmar

in Makevars/Makevars.win and add 在Makevars / Makevars.win中添加

-I src/levmar

to the PKG_CPPFLAGS but it didn't work out either. 到PKG_CPPFLAGS,但也没有解决。

Do you have any idea on what I should do ? 您对我应该做什么有任何想法吗?

Don't hesitate to ask for precisions if I wasn't clear enough 如果我不够清楚,请随时询问精度

SODD got the better of me. SODD让我更好。 I have build a very rough package that compiles the levmar code and creates an initial R package from it: https://github.com/rstub/levmaR . 我已经构建了一个非常粗糙的软件包,可以编译levmar代码,并从中创建一个初始的R软件包: https : //github.com/rstub/levmaR Important points: 要点:

  • Source files in sub-directories of src are not automatically compiled. src子目录中的源文件不会自动编译。 One has to add them somehow, eg 一个人必须以某种方式添加它们,例如

     CXX_STD = CXX11 PKG_LIBS=-L. -llevmar $(LAPACK_LIBS) $(BLAS_LIBS) $(FLIBS) PKG_CPPFLAGS=-I./levmar/ -DSTRICT_R_HEADERS all: $(SHLIB) $(SHLIB): liblevmar.a LIBOBJS = levmar/lm.o levmar/Axb.o levmar/misc.o levmar/lmlec.o levmar/lmbc.o \\ levmar/lmblec.o levmar/lmbleic.o liblevmar.a: $(LIBOBJS) $(AR) rcs liblevmar.a $(LIBOBJS) 
  • By default levmar tries to build single- and double-precision functions and tries to use LAPACK. 默认情况下,levmar尝试构建单精度和双精度函数,并尝试使用LAPACK。 Default builds of R only include double-precision LAPACK and BLAS. R的默认版本仅包括双精度LAPACK和BLAS。 I disabled the single precision build. 我禁用了单精度构建。

  • The levmar library is actually pure C. So my suspicion that your problems where caused by the different C++ ABIs between VC and gcc is probably not correct. levmar库实际上是纯C语言。因此,我怀疑您的问题是由VC和gcc之间的不同C ++ ABI引起的。 Most likely there is some other incompatibility between VC and gcc concerning the layout of static libraries. VC和gcc之间最有可能在静态库的布局方面存在其他不兼容性。

Right now the only available function is your test_levmar() . 现在唯一可用的函数是test_levmar() Tested on Linux and Windows (via Appveyor and rhub). 在Linux和Windows(通过Appveyor和rhub)上进行了测试。

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