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[英]Extract multiple tokens from json path using Regex

I have to extract tokens from a text which I need to match using regex. 我必须从需要使用正则表达式匹配的文本中提取令牌。 An example text would be something like this. 示例文本就是这样。


Right now I'm using the following regex to tokenize this string. 现在,我正在使用以下正则表达式对该字符串进行标记。


This regex tokenizes the string partially, and gives tokens as 此正则表达式部分标记字符串,并给出标记为


the problem here is when the tokens are taken backtick also gets included. 这里的问题是当令牌被提取时,反引号也被包括在内。 How can I dump the backtick and just get the following? 我该如何抛弃反引号并获得以下内容?


You already captured the part between backticks, just grab matcher.group(1) if it participated in the match (=if it matched): 您已经捕获了反引号之间的部分,如果它参与了比赛,则只需抓住matcher.group(1) (=)。

Java demo : Java演示

String s = "data.orderType.`order.created.time`";
String regex = "`([^`]*)`|[^.`]+";
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {
   if (m.group(1) != null) {
   } else {
// => [data, orderType, order.created.time]

Note I also added a backtick to the negated character class, [^.`]+ as I assume the backticks can only be paired. 注意,我还向否定的字符类[^.`]+添加了反引号,因为我认为反引号只能配对。

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