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[英]F# Get Members of Module

Given 给定

type Unit = {
            Name : string
            Abbreviation : string
            Value : float

module Lets =
    let meter = { Name = "meter"; Abbreviation = "m"; Value = 1.0 }
    let millimeter = { Name = "millimeter"; Abbreviation = "mm"; Value = 1e-3 }

How can I create a function with this signature? 如何使用此签名创建函数?

let units () : Units[] = ...

F# Modules are just static classes when compiled. F#模块在编译时只是静态类。

Using reflection you should be able to grab these values with something like this: 使用反射,您应该可以通过以下方式获取这些值:

module Lets =
    type Dummy = | Dummy
    let meter = { Name = "meter"; Abbreviation = "m"; Value = 1.0 }
    let millimeter = { Name = "millimeter"; Abbreviation = "mm"; Value = 1e-3 }

let t = typeof<Lets.Dummy>.DeclaringType
t.GetProperties() |> Array.map(fun p -> p.GetValue(null, null) :?> Unit)

It's tricky to get the type of the module, but that trick will do it for you. 获取模块的类型很棘手,但是这种技巧将为您做到这一点。

EDIT: 编辑:

Updated to cast directly to Unit . 更新以直接投射到Unit The cast as shown is unsafe, and will throw if GetValue does not return a Unit type. 所示的转换是不安全的,如果GetValue不返回Unit类型,则将抛出该转换。

Additionally unit is a type in F#, it might be clearer to use a different name. 另外, unit是F#中的一种类型,使用其他名称可能会更清楚。

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