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[英]Addition for binary natural numbers using primitive recursion

Given binary natural numbers, with a zero case a "twice" case and a "twice plus one" case. 给定二进制自然数,零情况下为“两次”情况,“两次加一”情况。 How can one express addition using primitive recursion (using only the function foldBNat )? 如何使用原始递归表示添加(仅使用函数foldBNat )?

-- zero | n * 2 | n * 2 + 1
data BNat = Z | T BNat | TI BNat
  deriving (Show)

foldBNat :: BNat -> t -> (BNat -> t -> t) -> (BNat -> t -> t) -> t
foldBNat n z t ti =
  case n of
    Z -> z
    T m -> t m (foldBNat m z t ti)
    TI m -> ti m (foldBNat m z t ti)

div2 :: BNat -> BNat
div2 n = foldBNat n Z (\m _ -> m) (\m _ -> m)

pred :: BNat -> BNat
pred n = foldBNat n Z (\_ r -> TI r) (\m _ -> T m)

succ :: BNat -> BNat
succ n = foldBNat n (TI Z) (\m _ -> TI m) (\_ r -> T r)

Idea: To compute a + b , we need to increment b a times. 点子:要计算a + b ,我们需要增加b a时代。 So: 所以:

0 + b = b
1 + b = succ b
2 + b = succ (succ b)
3 + b = succ (succ (succ b))

We might start out by writing 我们可以从写作开始

plus a b = foldBNat a b (\m r -> ...

But here we get stuck: m represents half of a (since a = T m here, ie a = 2 * m ) and r is the result of incrementing b m times (ie m + b ). 但在这里我们遇到问题: m代表的半数a (因为a = T m在这里,即a = 2 * m )和r是递增的结果b m倍(即m + b )。 There's nothing useful we can do with that. 我们无能为力。 What we want is a + b = 2*m + b , which we can't directly obtain from m + b . 我们想要的是a + b = 2*m + b ,我们不能直接从m + b获得。 Applying T would only give us 2 * (m + b) = 2*m + 2*b , which is too big, and according to the rules we can't directly recurse on plus to compute m + (m + b) = 2*m + b . 应用T只会给我们2 * (m + b) = 2*m + 2*b ,这太大了,根据规则我们不能直接递归plus计算m + (m + b) = 2*m + b

What we need is a more direct way of manipulating the number of succ operations. 我们需要的是一种更直接的方法来操作succ操作的数量。

Idea: Don't compute a number directly; 想法:不要直接计算数字; instead compute a function (that increments its argument a certain number of times). 而是计算一个函数(将其参数增加一定次数)。 So: 所以:

incBy 0 = id
incBy 1 = succ
incBy 2 = succ . succ
incBy 3 = succ . succ . succ

We can implement that directly: 我们可以直接实现:

incBy :: BNat -> (BNat -> BNat)
incBy n = foldBNat n id (\_ r -> r . r) (\_ r -> succ . r . r)

Here r . r 这里是r . r r . r gives us a function that increments a number twice as often as r does (by applying r twice). r . r给了我们两次尽可能多增加一些功能r做(通过应用r两次)。

Now we can simply define addition as: 现在我们可以简单地将添加定义为:

plus :: BNat -> BNat -> BNat
plus n m = (incBy n) m

(which happens to be redundant because plus = incBy ). (这恰好是多余的,因为plus = incBy )。

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