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[英]Python: Search function in GUI with regex requires global variables, but UnboundLocal Error

This is my first project I am a complete beginner, so my apologies. 这是我的第一个项目,我是一个完整的初学者,因此我深表歉意。

I am attempting to create a inventory system with a GUI. 我正在尝试使用GUI创建库存系统。 Where I ran into issues was handling all the data, I thought before learning SQLite I should attempt my own crappy data organizing that way I have a deeper understanding of the necessity of that library. 我遇到的问题是处理所有数据,我认为在学习SQLite之前,我应该尝试自己编写糟糕的数据,这样我才能对该库的必要性有更深入的了解。 Currently I have been stuck on the search function for weeks. 目前,我已经在搜索功能上停留了数周。 My data is "organized" in a text file, it is comprised of a class with 6 variables. 我的数据是“组织”在一个文本文件中的,它由一个具有6个变量的类组成。 The variables are stored to the text file as follows; 变量按如下方式存储到文本文件中; x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6. x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6。

Currently I am attempting to create a search function using regex that can find the entire class (x1-x6) by searching either x1, x2, or x3. 目前,我正在尝试使用正则表达式创建搜索功能,该功能可以通过搜索x1,x2或x3来查找整个类(x1-x6)。

The problem I am having is that my search values (x_search_nick(x1), x_search_name(x2), or x_search_part(x3)) are all defined by entries in a search window within the GUI. 我遇到的问题是我的搜索值(x_search_nick(x1),x_search_name(x2)或x_search_part(x3))全部由GUI内搜索窗口中的条目定义。 When I hit the search button I would like it to display in a separate window the entire classes attributes of that search value. 当我点击搜索按钮时,我希望它在一个单独的窗口中显示该搜索值的所有类属性。 In order for it to be a separate window it needs to be a separate function, but at that point the search variables need to be defined globally. 为了使它成为一个单独的窗口,它必须是一个单独的函数,但是此时需要全局定义搜索变量。 When making all search variables global I get "UnboundLocalError: unbound local error python local variable referenced before assignment", I believe because if searching using x1, x2, or x3 two of the variables will be empty? 将所有搜索变量设为全局时,我会收到“ UnboundLocalError:赋值之前引用的未绑定局部错误python局部变量”,我相信是因为如果使用x1,x2或x3进行搜索,那么两个变量将为空? Either way I've tried setting it up in many different ways and can't seem to find the right way. 无论哪种方式,我都尝试以多种不同的方式进行设置,但似乎找不到正确的方法。

I also am very bad at phrasing this entire question so I will just throw my code out there and hopefully with this info and the code the problem will be easier to see. 我对整个问题的措辞也很不好,所以我只会把我的代码丢在那里,希望有了这个信息和代码,问题就更容易看清了。 Along with the code I have a text file Reagent_To_List.txt. 除了代码,我还有一个文本文件Reagent_To_List.txt。 Again this is my first project, organization and such are a wreck. 再次,这是我的第一个项目,组织,这真是一个沉船。

Thank you. 谢谢。

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox
import re
#Tkinter Basics______________________________________________
root = Tk()
#Files to open_______________________________________________
Reagent_To_List_file = open("Reagent_To_List.txt","w")

topFrame = Frame(root)
bottomFrame = Frame(root)


class Reagent:
    def __init__(self, Nickname, Name, Part_Num, Lot_Num, Expiration,         
Manufacteur, ):
    self.Nickname = Nickname
    self.Name = Name
    self.Part_Num = Part_Num
    self.Lot_Num = Lot_Num
    self.Expiration = Expiration
    self.Manufacteur = Manufacteur


class New_Reagent_Button_1:

    def __init__(self, master):
        frame = Frame(master)

        self.New_Reagent_button =Button(topFrame, text="New Reagent",fg="Black", width=75, height=3, relief=RAISED, bd=18,command = self.new_Reg)
    self.New_Reagent_button.grid(row=0, column=0)

def new_Reg(self):
    newwin = Toplevel(root)

    Enter_Nick = Label(newwin, text = "Enter Nickname: ", bd = 25)
    Enter_Nick.grid(row=0, column=0)
    x = Entry(newwin, bd = 5, width=30)
    x.grid(row=0, column=1)

    Enter_Chem_Name = Label(newwin, text="Chemical Name: ", bd = 25)
    Enter_Chem_Name.grid(row=1, column=0)
    x_1 = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=30)
    x_1.grid(row=1, column=1)

    Enter_Part = Label(newwin, text="Part Number: ", bd=25)
    Enter_Part.grid(row=2, column=0)
    x_2 = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=30)
    x_2.grid(row=2, column=1)

    Enter_Lot = Label(newwin, text = "Lot Number: ", bd= 25)
    Enter_Lot.grid(row=3, column=0)
    x_3 = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=30)
    x_3.grid(row=3, column=1)

    Enter_Exp = Label(newwin, text = "Expiration Date: ", bd= 25)
    Enter_Exp.grid(row=4, column=0)
    x_4 = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=30)
    x_4.grid(row=4, column=1)

    Enter_Manu = Label(newwin, text = "Manufacteur: ", bd= 25)
    Enter_Manu.grid(row=5, column=0)
    x_5 = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=30)
    x_5.grid(row=5, column=1)

    def Done_Save(x):
        input = x.get()
        input_1 = x_1.get()
        input_2 = x_2.get()
        input_3 = x_3.get()
        input_4 = x_4.get()
        input_5 = x_5.get()

        Reagent_To_List = (Reagent(x,x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, x_5))
        Reagent_To_List_file.write(str(input + ", "))
        Reagent_To_List_file.write(str(input_1 + ", "))
        Reagent_To_List_file.write(str(input_2 + ", "))
        Reagent_To_List_file.write(str(input_3 + ", "))
        Reagent_To_List_file.write(str(input_4 + ", "))

    Save_New_Reg = Button(newwin, text="Done/Save", bd=5, height=2, width= 8, command= lambda: Done_Save(x))
    Save_New_Reg.grid(row=6, column=0)

    Done_New_Reg = Button(newwin, text ="Exit", bd = 5, height = 2, width = 8, command = newwin.destroy)
    Done_New_Reg.grid(row = 6, column = 2)


class Search_Button:

def __init__(self, master):
    frame = Frame(master)

    self.Search_button =Button(topFrame, text="Search For Reagent", fg="Black", width=75, height=3, relief=RAISED, bd=18, command = self.Search)
    self.Search_button.grid(row=1, column=0)

def Search(self):

    newwin = Toplevel(root)

    Enter_Search = Label(newwin, text="Enter\n Nickname: ", bd=25)
    Enter_Search.grid(row=0, column=0)
    global x_search_nick
    x_search_nick = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=50)
    x_search_nick.grid(row=0, column=1)

    Enter_Search = Label(newwin, text="Enter\n Chemical Name: ", bd=25)
    Enter_Search.grid(row=3, column=0)
    global x_search_name
    x_search_name = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=50)
    x_search_name.grid(row=3, column=1)

    Enter_Search = Label(newwin, text="Enter\n Part #: ", bd=25)
    Enter_Search.grid(row=6, column=0)
    global  x_search_part
    x_search_part = Entry(newwin, bd=5, width=50)
    x_search_part.grid(row=6, column=1)

    Done_New_Search = Button(newwin, text = "Exit", bd = 5, height = 2, width = 8, command = newwin.destroy)
    Done_New_Search.grid(row = 9, column = 2)

    B_Search = Button(newwin, text="Search", bd=5, height=2, width=8, command= self.Search_Function)
    B_Search.grid(row=9, column=0)

def Search_Function(self):

    newwin = Toplevel(root)

    Results_Header = Label(newwin, text="Search Results", font=("Times New Roman", 16), height=5, width=10)
    Results_Header.grid(row=0, column=1)
    Search_Results_List = Listbox(newwin, bd=3, height=20, width=50)
    Search_Results_List.grid(row=10, column=4)

        regex_nick = (x_search_nick.get()) + r"([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+)"
    pattern_nick = re.compile(regex_nick)

    with open("Reagent_To_List.txt", "r") as f:
        contents = f.read()
        matches_nick = pattern_nick.finditer(contents)

        for match_nick in matches_nick:
            return (match_nick)

            if match_nick.group(1) == x_search_nick.get():
                Search_Results_List.insert(1, x_search_nick.get() + ", " + match_nick.group(2) + ", " + match_nick.group(3) + ", " + match_nick.group(4) + ", " + match_nick.group(5) + ", " + match_nick.group(6))

    regex_name = (r"([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s" + x_search_name.get() + ",\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+)")
    pattern_name = re.compile(regex_name)

    with open("Reagent_To_List.txt", "r") as f:
        contents = f.read()
        matches_name = pattern_name.finditer(contents)

        for match_name in matches_name:
            return (match_name)

            if match_name.group(2) == x_search_name:
                Search_Results_List.insert(1, match_name.group(1) + ", " + x_search_name.get() + ", " + match_name.group(3) + ", " + match_name.group(4) + ", " + match_name.group(5) + ", " + match_name.group(6))

    regex_part = (r"([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s" + (x_search_part.get()) + ",\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+),\s([a-zA-z0-9\-\/]+)")
    pattern_part = re.compile(regex_part)

    with open("Reagent_To_List.txt", "r") as f:
        contents = f.read()
        matches_part = pattern_part.finditer(contents)

        for match_part in matches_part:
            return (match_part)

            if match_part.group(3) == x_search_part:
                Search_Results_List.insert(1, match_part.group(1) + ", " + match_part.group(2) + ", " + x_search_part.get() + ", " + match_part.group(4) + ", " + match_part.group(5) + ", " + match_part.group(6))

    scrollbar = Scrollbar(newwin, orient="vertical")
    scrollbar.grid(row=10, column=5, sticky="ns")

       # Error_Header = Label(newwin, text="Search Yielded No Results",  width = 30, height = 20, font= ("Times New Roman",20) )
        #Error_Header.grid(row=5, column=4)


New_b = New_Reagent_Button_1(root)
Search_b = Search_Button(root)

button_Edit_Reagent = Button(topFrame, text="Edit Reagent", fg="Black", width = 75, height = 3, relief = RAISED,bd= 18)
button_Delete_Reagent = Button(topFrame, text="Delete Reagent", fg="Red", width = 75, height = 3, relief = RAISED,bd= 18)
button_See_Reagent_List = Button(topFrame, text="See Reagent List", fg="Black", width = 75, height = 3, relief = RAISED,bd= 18)
button_Check_Expired = Button(topFrame, text="Check Expired", fg="Red", width = 75, height = 3, relief = RAISED,bd= 18)
button_Done = Button(topFrame, text="Done", fg="Red", width = 75, height = 3, relief = RAISED,bd= 18,command = root.destroy)

button_Edit_Reagent.grid(row=6, column=0)
button_Delete_Reagent.grid(row=7, column=0)
button_See_Reagent_List.grid(row=9, column=0)
button_Check_Expired.grid(row=11, column=0)
button_Done.grid(row=12, column=0)


It seems to me the Reagent_To_List.txt file, which is created outside of the scope of the Search_Function , is causing your issue. 在我看来,在Reagent_To_List.txt文件,该文件的范围之外创建Search_Function ,导致您的问题。

If you add a txt_file argument in the Search_Function(self, txt_file) and replace all the Reagent_To_List.txt, within the function, with txt_file , then call the function Search_Function(root, "Reagent_To_List.txt") it should work. 如果您在Search_Function(self, txt_file)添加txt_file Search_Function(self, txt_file)变量,并将函数内的所有Reagent_To_List.txt替换为txt_file ,然后调用函数Search_Function(root, "Reagent_To_List.txt")它将起作用。

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