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[英]How do I write a wrapper function with templated function parameters which can take overloaded member functions?

I'm working with a legacy codebase which uses a bunch of callbacks to member functions. 我正在使用旧版代码库,该代码库使用一堆成员函数的回调。 As part of a refactoring effort, I'm attempting to wrap these callback calls. 作为重构工作的一部分,我正在尝试包装这些回调调用。

My current implementation is attempting to use a variadic template function to replace/wrap the bind call. 我当前的实现方式是尝试使用可变参数模板函数替换/包装绑定调用。

template< typename F, typename T, typename... Args >
my_bind(F fxn, T * obj, Args&&... args)
    -> decltype( boost::bind( fxn, obj, std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )
    return boost::bind( fxn, obj, std::forward<Args>(args)... );

(The actual implementation will add wrapper classes around the fxn & obj objects, but I removed that to give a minimal example which still shows the issue.) (实际的实现将在fxn和obj对象周围添加包装器类,但我删除了包装器类,以提供一个仍然显示问题的最小示例。)

This mostly works, but fails where the fxn object is an overloaded member function. 这通常有效,但是在fxn对象是重载成员函数的情况下失败。 In this situation, I'm getting "couldn't deduce template parameter 'F'"/"couldn't infer template argument 'F'" (GCC/Clang) errors. 在这种情况下,我收到“无法推断出模板参数'F'” /“无法推断出模板参数'F'”(GCC / Clang)错误。 This makes a bit of sense, as there's multiple possible functions with different parameter types which could be used. 这有点有意义,因为可以使用具有不同参数类型的多个可能函数。

What's confounding me is that boost::bind is not having issues with the member resolution -- in the original code without the wrapper, I don't see any errors and the binding goes well. 让我感到困惑的是,boost :: bind的成员解析没有问题-在没有包装的原始代码中,我看不到任何错误,并且绑定进展顺利。 Example: 例:

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp> // Boost 1.53

template< typename F, typename T, typename... Args >
my_bind(F fxn, T * obj, Args&&... args)
    -> decltype( boost::bind( fxn, obj, std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )
    return boost::bind( fxn, obj, std::forward<Args>(args)... );

class Klass {
    void foo( int i ) {
       std::cout << "One param: " << i << "\n";
    void foo( int i, int j ) {
       std::cout << "Two param: " << i << " " << j << "\n";

    void bar( int const & i ) const {
       std::cout << "Bar One param: " << i << "\n";
    int bar( float i, int j ) {
       std::cout << "Bar Two param: " << i << " " << j << "\n";
       return j;

int main() {

    Klass k;

    auto f1 = boost::bind( &Klass::foo, &k, 1 );
    f1(); // prints "One param: 1"
    auto f2 = boost::bind( &Klass::foo, &k, 1, 2 );
    f2(); // prints "Two param: 1 2"

    //auto f1a = my_bind( &Klass::foo, &k, 1 ); // Compiler error: couldn't deduce template parameter ‘F’
    //auto f2a = my_bind( &Klass::foo, &k, 1, 2 ); // Compiler error:  couldn't deduce template parameter ‘F’

    double a = 1.1;
    int b = 3;
    //auto b1 = my_bind( &Klass::bar, &k, b ); // Should also work with const functions and const parameters
    //auto b2 = my_bind( &Klass::bar, &k, a, 2 ); // As well as non-void return types and parameter conversions
    // As well as any other member function which the underlying sub-function (here boost::bind) can take.

    return 0;

My main question: Given a function (such as, but not necessarily limited to boost::bind ) which is able to appropriately distinguish between different versions of an overloaded member function, is there a way to create a templated wrapper function which can "perfectly forward" the template type from that functions parameter -- that is, is there a way to permit the compiler to make the F type deduction based on the (working) type deduction of the sub-function (eg boost::bind )? 我的主要问题: 给定一个能够适当地区分不同版本的重载成员函数的函数(例如但不一定限于boost::bind ),有没有办法创建一个模板包装器函数,该函数可以“完美地从该函数参数“转发”模板类型-也就是说,是否有一种方法允许编译器根据子函数的(工作)类型推导(例如boost::bind )进行F类型推导?

(I did try replacing the my_bind template function with a variadic preprocessor macro. This fixes the immediate problem, but results in issues later, when I attempt to wrap the fxn object in a templated type. -- I get similar "cannot resolve overloaded function" errors.) (我确实尝试用可变参量的预处理器宏替换my_bind模板函数。这解决了紧迫的问题,但是当我尝试将fxn对象包装为模板类型时,会导致问题fxn我得到类似的“无法解析重载函数“错误。)

I'm targeting C++11, if that makes a difference. 我的目标是C ++ 11,如果有帮助的话。

you may try to force the type of the member function expected like: 您可以尝试强制使用预期的成员函数类型,例如:

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/bind.hpp> // Boost 1.53

template<typename T, typename... Args>
my_bind(void (T::*fxn)(Args...), T * obj, Args&&... args)
    -> decltype( boost::bind( fxn, obj, std::forward<Args>(args)... ) )
    return boost::bind( fxn, obj, std::forward<Args>(args)... );

class Klass {
    void foo( int i ) {
       std::cout << "One param: " << i << "\n";
    void foo( int i, int j ) {
       std::cout << "Two param: " << i << " " << j << "\n";

int main() {

    Klass k;

    auto f1a = my_bind( &Klass::foo, &k, 2 );
    f1a(); // prints One param: 2
    auto f2a = my_bind( &Klass::foo, &k, 2, 3 );
    f2a(); // prints Two param: 2 3

    return 0;


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