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[英]Linear algebra with a sparse triagonol marix

I have a tridiagonal matrix A which I want to make a sparse matrix and then solve a linear system Ax =b using scipy, how is this done. 我有一个三对角矩阵A,我想制作一个稀疏矩阵,然后使用scipy求解线性系统Ax = b,这是怎么做的。

i have tried the following code, which dosent work. 我试过下面的代码,哪些工作。

from scipy.sparse import dia_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve_triangular

N = 10

diag = np.zeros(N) + 2
udiag = np.zeros(N) + 1
A = dia_matrix(([diag, udiag, udiag], [0, 1, -1]), shape=(N, N))

b = np.ones(N)


x = spsolve_triangular(A, b)


The problem comes from the fact that your matrix is not triangular but tridiagonal. 问题来自您的矩阵不是三角形而是三对角的事实。 As such you have to use the spsolve function instead of the spsolve_triangular function. 因此,您必须使用spsolve函数而不是spsolve_triangular函数。

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