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如何用列迭代填充Pandas Dataframe

[英]How to iteratively fill pandas Dataframe with columns

I am trying to create a pandas dataframe with iteratively counting statisitcs from another dataframe, it goes through columns (that filtered with regex). 我正在尝试创建一个pandas数据框,并从另一个数据框中迭代统计statisitcs,它通过列(使用正则表达式过滤)。 How could i create a result Dataframe? 我如何创建结果数据框? Input dataframe: 输入数据框:

    In [4]: control.head()
  Patient Gender  Age  Left-Lateral-Ventricle_NVoxels  Left-Inf-Lat- 
Vent_NVoxels  ...  supramarginal_CurvInd_lh
0    P008      M   30                            9414                        
311  ...                       7.5
1    P013      F   35                            7668                         
85  ...                      10.4
2    P018      F   27                            7350                        
202  ...                       8.0
3    P033      F   55                            7548                        
372  ...                       9.2
4    P036      F   31                            8598                         
48  ...                       8.0

    [5 rows x 930 columns]

I wrote a code to count statistic, but stuck on creating result pandas dataframe 我写了一个代码来统计统计信息,但坚持创建结果熊猫数据框

def select_volumes(group_c,group_k):
    Select_list = ["Amygdala", "Hippocampus", "Lateral-Ventricle", 
"Pallidum", "Putamen", "Thalamus"]
    Side = ["Left", "Right"]
    for s in Side:
        for struct in Select_list:
            volumes_c = group_c.filter(regex="^(?=.*"+s+")(?=.*"+struct+") 
            volumes_k = group_k.filter(regex="^(?=.*"+s+")(?=.*"+struct+") 
            k = cohens_d(volumes_c, volumes_k)
            meand = volumes_c.mean()
            result_df = pd.Dataframe(
     "Cohen's norm": some result
     "Mean Value": meand
            return k

function select_volumes gives me the result: 函数select_volumes给我结果:

Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3   -0.29729
dtype: float64
Left-Hippocampus_Volume_mm3    0.33139
dtype: float64
Left-Lateral-Ventricle_Volume_mm3   -0.111853
dtype: float64
Left-Pallidum_Volume_mm3    0.28857
dtype: float64
Left-Putamen_Volume_mm3    0.696645
dtype: float64
Left-Thalamus-Proper_Volume_mm3    0.772492
dtype: float64
Right-Amygdala_Volume_mm3   -0.358333
dtype: float64
Right-Hippocampus_Volume_mm3    0.275668
dtype: float64
Right-Lateral-Ventricle_Volume_mm3   -0.092283
dtype: float64
Right-Pallidum_Volume_mm3    0.279258
dtype: float64
Right-Putamen_Volume_mm3    0.484879
dtype: float64
Right-Thalamus-Proper_Volume_mm3    0.809775
dtype: float64

I want Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3 ... be the row with value -0.29729 with column name Cohen's d be the column for every Select_list: example, how dataframe should looks 我希望Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3 ...是值为-0.29729且行名为Cohen's d的行作为每个Select_list的列: 例如,数据帧的外观

I still cannot really understand how and where, but you showed that somewhere in the function you were able to build a float64 Series containing for example Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3 as index and -0.29729 as value. 我仍然无法真正理解操作的方式和位置,但是您表明该函数中的某个位置能够构建一个float64系列,其中包含例如Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3作为索引,而-0.29729作为值。 And I assume that at the same time, you have the value of meand for the same index value. 而且我假设您同时具有相同索引值的meand值。

More exactly I will assume: 更确切地说,我将假设:

k = pd.Series([-0.29729], dtype=np.float64,index=['Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3'])

because it prints as: 因为它打印为:


Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3   -0.29729
dtype: float64

At the same time, I assume that meand is also a similar Series. 同时,我认为它的meand也是相似的系列。 So we will access its value as meand.iloc[0] (lets say value is 9174.1) 因此,我们将其访问值为meand.iloc[0] (假设值为9174.1)。

You should combine them to build the content of a row: 您应该将它们结合起来以构建一行的内容:

row = k.reset_index().iloc[0].tolist() + [meand.iloc[0]]

In the example we have row : ['Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3', -0.29729, 9174.1] 在示例中,我们具有以下row['Left-Amygdala_Volume_mm3', -0.29729, 9174.1]

So you now need to build a large list of that rows: 因此,您现在需要构建该行的大型列表:

def select_volumes(group_c,group_k):
    Select_list = ["Amygdala", "Hippocampus", "Lateral-Ventricle", 
"Pallidum", "Putamen", "Thalamus"]
    Side = ["Left", "Right"]
    data = []
    for s in Side:
        for struct in Select_list:
            volumes_c = group_c.filter(regex="^(?=.*"+s+")(?=.*"+struct+") 
            volumes_k = group_k.filter(regex="^(?=.*"+s+")(?=.*"+struct+") 
            k = cohens_d(volumes_c, volumes_k)
            meand = volumes_c.mean()

            # build a row of result df
            data.append(k.reset_index().iloc[0].tolist() + [meand.iloc[0]])

    # after the loop combine the rows into a dataframe and return it:
    result = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['index', "Cohen's d", 'Mean']).set_index('index')
    return result

I write to pd.Dataframe inside a function: 我在函数内写入pd.Dataframe:

k = cohens_d(volumes_c, volumes_k)
meand = volumes_c.mean()    
volumes_df.append([cohen.index[0],cohen.values[0], meand)
return volumes_df

and out of a function I call pd.Dataframe with: 并从函数中调用pd.Dataframe与:


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