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[英]Running different Python functions in separate CPUs

Using multiprocessing.pool I can split an input list for a single function to be processed in parallel along multiple CPUs. 使用multiprocessing.pool我可以为一个要分割的功能拆分一个输入列表,以便在多个CPU上并行处理。 Like this: 像这样:

from multiprocessing import Pool

def f(x):
    return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = Pool(processes=4)
    results = pool.map(f, range(100))

However, this does not allow to run different functions on different processors. 但是,这不允许在不同的处理器上运行不同的功能。 If I want to do something like this, in parallel / simultaneously: 如果我想并行/同时执行以下操作:

foo1(args1) --> Processor1
foo2(args2) --> Processor2

How can this be done? 如何才能做到这一点?

Edit: After Darkonaut remarks, I do not care about specifically assigning foo1 to Processor number 1. It can be any processor as chosen by the OS. 编辑:在Darkonaut发言之后,我不关心将foo1专门分配给处理器编号1。它可以是操作系统选择的任何处理器。 I am just interested in running independent functions in different/ parallel Processes. 我只是对在不同/并行进程中运行独立功能感兴趣。 So rather: 所以:

foo1(args1) --> process1
foo2(args2) --> process2

I usually find it easiest to use the concurrent.futures module for concurrency. 我通常发现最简单的方法是使用并发模块 You can achieve the same with multiprocessing , but concurrent.futures has (IMO) a much nicer interface. 您可以通过multiprocessing实现相同的功能,但是concurrent.futures具有(IMO)更好的接口。

Your example would then be: 您的示例将是:

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

def foo1(x):
    return x * x

def foo2(x):
    return x * x * x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(2) as executor:
        # these return immediately and are executed in parallel, on separate processes
        future_1 = executor.submit(foo1, 1)
        future_2 = executor.submit(foo2, 2)
    # get results / re-raise exceptions that were thrown in workers
    result_1 = future_1.result()  # contains foo1(1)
    result_2 = future_2.result()  # contains foo2(2)

If you have many inputs, it is better to use executor.map with the chunksize argument instead: 如果输入很多,最好将executor.mapchunksize参数一起使用:

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

def foo1(x):
    return x * x

def foo2(x):
    return x * x * x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(4) as executor:
        # these return immediately and are executed in parallel, on separate processes
        future_1 = executor.map(foo1, range(10000), chunksize=100)
        future_2 = executor.map(foo2, range(10000), chunksize=100)
    # executor.map returns an iterator which we have to consume to get the results
    result_1 = list(future_1)  # contains [foo1(x) for x in range(10000)]
    result_2 = list(future_2)  # contains [foo2(x) for x in range(10000)]

Note that the optimal values for chunksize , the number of processes, and whether process-based concurrency actually leads to increased performance depends on many factors: 请注意, chunksize的最佳值,进程数以及基于进程的并发是否真正导致性能提高取决于许多因素:

  • The runtime of foo1 / foo2 . foo1 / foo2的运行时。 If they are extremely cheap (as in this example), the communication overhead between processes might dominate the total runtime. 如果它们非常便宜(如本例所示),则进程之间的通信开销可能会占总运行时间的主导地位。

  • Spawning a process takes time, so the code inside with ProcessPoolExecutor needs to run long enough for this to amortize. 生成一个进程需要花费时间,因此with ProcessPoolExecutor内部的代码需要运行足够长的时间才能摊销。

  • The actual number of physical processors in the machine you are running on. 您正在运行的计算机上的物理处理器的实际数量。

  • Whether your application is IO bound or compute bound. 您的应用程序是IO绑定还是计算绑定。

  • Whether the functions you use in foo are already parallelized (such as some np.linalg solvers, or scikit-learn estimators). 您在foo中使用的函数是否已经并行化(例如某些np.linalg求解器或scikit-learn估计器)。

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