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DataFrame Scala上的DataType验证

[英]DataType verification on DataFrame Scala

I need to validate datatypes of DataFrame. 我需要验证DataFrame的数据类型。

Sample DF DF样本

val rawData = Seq((1,"First Rec Col 1" , "First Rec Col 2" ), (1,"Second Rec Col 1" , "Second Rec Col 2")).toDF("Raw_PK" ,"Col1", "Col2")


Result : 结果:


Here is my schema, 这是我的架构

val types = Seq(("Col1", "string"), ("Col2", "double"))

It says Col1 should be a String type and Col2 should be double 它说Col1应该是String类型,而Col2应该是double 精度类型

What I have tried ? 我尝试了什么?

There are couple of ways i tried (traditional way of looping) but want to get rid of that. 我尝试了几种方法(传统的循环方法),但希望摆脱这种情况。 So here is what i did 所以这就是我所做的

val df2 = rawData.select(types.map{case (c, t) => col(c).cast(t)} : _*)


It is trying to cast Col2 String to Double , It showed null in Col2 它正在尝试将Col2 StringDouble ,在Col2中显示为null

I want to achieve that it should add ANOTHER COLUMN saying its not a valid record to process. 我想实现它应该添加另一个列,说它不是要处理的有效记录。

Any help ? 有什么帮助吗? Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You can use the techniques described here: https://gist.github.com/dennyglee/c21f59cf81216c1dc9a38525a0e41de1 您可以使用此处描述的技术: https : //gist.github.com/dennyglee/c21f59cf81216c1dc9a38525a0e41de1

DataType verification on DataFrame Scala DataFrame Scala上的DataType验证

Using pattern matching: 使用模式匹配:

import org.apache.spark.sql.types.IntegerType

assert(testDF.schema(col1).dataType match {
  case IntegerType => true
  case _ => false

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