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在 Typescript 中,如何允许类型具有指向该类型递归值的泛型的所有键?

[英]In Typescript how do I allow a type to have all keys of a generic that point to a recursive value of that type?

Right now I have something like this where "any" can act as the generic "V"现在我有这样的东西,其中“any”可以充当通用的“V”

interface Validation<V> {
  $isValid: boolean
  $isValidating: boolean
  $value: V
  [prop: string]: boolean | V | Validation<V>

What I'd like to do is replace the string indexing type with any string key K from V will return a sub Validation interface.我想要做的是用来自 V 的任何字符串键 K 替换字符串索引类型将返回一个子验证接口。

interface Validation<V> {
  $isValid: boolean
  $isValidating: boolean
  $value: V
  [K extends Extract<keyof V, string>]: Validation<V[K]>

This clearly doesn't work and curious to know if something similar is achievable.这显然行不通,并且很想知道是否可以实现类似的目标。

Yes.是的。 Here is how to do it这是如何做到的

type Validation<V> = {
    [K in Extract<keyof V, string>]: Validation<V[K]>
} & {
    $isValid: boolean
    $isValidating: boolean
    $value: V
  1. You should use mapped type , so you should write K in ... .您应该使用映射类型,因此您应该K in ...写入K in ...

    The syntax resembles the syntax for index signatures with a for .. in inside.语法类似于索引签名的语法, for .. in里面有一个for .. in There are three parts:分为三个部分:

    • The type variable K, which gets bound to each property in turn.类型变量 K,依次绑定到每个属性。

    • The string literal union Keys, which contains the names of properties to iterate over.字符串文字联合键,其中包含要迭代的属性名称。

    • The resulting type of the property.属性的结果类型。
  2. To dd additional properties use intersection , as it is not possible to add additional properties to mapped type directly.要添加附加属性,请使用intersection ,因为无法直接向映射类型添加附加属性。


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