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在使用通用初始值设定项 function 时,如何让 typescript 正确推断类型?

[英]How do I have typescript have the type properly infered when using a generic initializer function?

I have a function that may take a parameter in the form of a callable like this:我有一个 function 可以采用这样的可调用形式的参数:

type Initial<T> = T | PromiseLike<T> | (() => T) | (() => PromiseLike<T>)

const usePromise = <T>(initial: Initial<T>): T => {
  let result: unknown = null
  /* ... */
  return result as T

If the type of initial is something like Promise<number> or PromiseLike<number> , typescript correctly infers the type of T as number .如果initial的类型类似于Promise<number>PromiseLike<number> ,则 typescript 会正确地将T的类型推断为number However, if initial is of a function type like () => PromiseLike<number> , typescript infers T as PromiseLike<number> .但是,如果initial是 function 类型,如() => PromiseLike<number> ,则 typescript 将T推断为PromiseLike<number> For example:例如:

// good:
const initial1 = new Promise<number>(() => null)
const result1 = usePromise(initial1)  // result1: number (OK)

// bad:
const initial2: () => PromiseLike<number> = () => new Promise(() => null)
const result2 = usePromise(initial2)  // result2: PromiseLike<number> (ERROR, should be number)

Note: obviously these promises would never resolve nor reject, but this question is purely about the type inference.注意:显然这些承诺永远不会解决或拒绝,但这个问题纯粹是关于类型推断的。

How do I get typescript to also correctly infer the type in the second example?如何让 typescript 也正确推断第二个示例中的类型?

The union presents multiple valid inference targets.该联合提供了多个有效的推理目标。 The singular T type is allways valid and TypeScript propably does not put in the computation effort to see that (() => PromiseLike<T>) is also a valid target.单数T类型始终有效,并且 TypeScript 可能不会进行计算以查看(() => PromiseLike<T>)也是一个有效目标。 We need to explicitly give an inference order to make the compiler examine more specific types like (() => PromiseLike<T>) first.我们需要明确给出一个推理顺序,让编译器首先检查更具体的类型,例如(() => PromiseLike<T>) I would suggest the use of overloads.我建议使用重载。

The overloads are resolved in order.重载按顺序解决。 The first overload is examined before the second one etc...第一个过载在第二个过载之前被检查等等......

type Initial<T> = T | PromiseLike<T> | (() => T) | (() => PromiseLike<T>)

function usePromise<T>(initial: (() => PromiseLike<T>)): T
function usePromise<T>(initial: (() => T)): T
function usePromise<T>(initial: PromiseLike<T>): T
function usePromise<T>(initial: T): T
function usePromise<T>(initial: Initial<T>): T {
  let result: unknown = null
  /* ... */
  return result as T

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