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[英]what does mean noexit in powershell?

I came to know what does mean noexit in this code. 我开始知道这段代码中没有noexit含义。 I'm searching about that and I found this: "Do not exit after running startup commands" what is mean by that ? 我正在搜索,发现:“运行启动命令后不要退出”是什么意思?

Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit", "-noprofile", "-command &{Get-Process}"

It means that the process is not killed after running the command. 这意味着在运行命令后该进程不会被杀死。 Lets say you have a CMD-Window open and call powershell -noexit -noprofile -command "Get-Process" then the powershell-process will still be open and you are in a powershell-shell inside a cmd-window untill you call exit yourself, which will return you the the cmd-session in the cmd-window 假设您打开了一个CMD窗口并调用powershell -noexit -noprofile -command "Get-Process"那么powershell-process仍将处于打开状态,并且您位于cmd窗口中的powershell-shell中,直到您调用exit自己,这将在cmd窗口中返回cmd会话

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