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[英]how to linearly interpolate monthly data from the 15th of each month that rolls over the 15th of the next month

I have a monthly dataset that I want to interpolate daily. 我有一个每月要插值的数据集。 However I need to interpolate from the 15th of each month or midmonth (Jan 16th, Feb 14th, March 15th...), to the next one. 但是我需要从每个月的15号或每个月中旬(1月16日,2月14日,3月15日...)进行插值。

Here is my data set: 

2000-01-31  0.02451
2000-02-28  0.03392
2000-03-31  0.15451
2000-04-30  0.28366
2000-05-31  0.46806
2000-06-30  0.67766

First: I need these values to be set every mid-month. 首先:我需要在每个月中设置这些值。

2000-01-16  0.02451
2000-02-14  0.03392
2000-03-16  0.15451
2000-04-15  0.28366
2000-05-16  0.46806
2000-06-15  0.67766

Second: Then daily interpolate 第二:然后每天插值

2000-01-16  0.02451

2000-02-14  0.03392

I'm able to interpolate each month from the 1st to the 31st using the following code: 我可以使用以下代码从1号到31号每月进行插值:

### Linear interpolation from monthly values to daily
import pandas as pd

df.set_index(pd.date_range(start='1/1/2000', end='1/1/2010', freq='M'), inplace=True, drop=True)
rng = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2000', end='1/1/2010', freq='D')
df2 = df.reindex(rng, axis=0).interpolate(axis=0)

Results 结果

2000-01-31  0.02451    2000-01-16   0.02451
2000-02-01  0.02485    2000-02-17   0.02485
2000-02-02  0.02518    2000-02-18   0.02518
2000-02-26  0.03325    2000-02-12   0.03325
2000-02-27  0.03359    2000-02-13   0.03359
2000-02-28  0.03392    2000-02-14   0.03392

Any help will be greatly appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激!

Here's what i would do: 这是我会做的:

# offset the timestamp
df[0] -= pd.to_timedelta(df[0].dt.day//2, unit='d')

which gives you 这给你

           0        1
0 2000-01-16  0.02451
1 2000-02-14  0.03392
2 2000-03-16  0.15451
3 2000-04-15  0.28366
4 2000-05-16  0.46806
5 2000-06-15  0.67766

and you can interpolate: 您可以插值:


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