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[英]Component-wise Product of all Column Combinations of two Matrices

As the title says I want to calculate the component-wise product of all column combinations of two matrices. 如标题所述,我想计算两个矩阵的所有列组合的按分量乘积。 I already found a solution using numpy.einsum and numpy.hstack . 我已经找到了使用numpy.einsumnumpy.hstack的解决方案。 I wonder if there is a solution without hstack . 我想知道是否有没有hstack的解决方案。

Let a = [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n] be a dxn matrix and b = [b_1, b_2, ..., b_m] a dxm matrix. a = [a_1, a_2, ..., a_n]dxn矩阵, b = [b_1, b_2, ..., b_m]dxm矩阵。 I want to calculate 我想计算

[a_1b_1, a_1b_2, ..., a_nb_{n-1}, a_nb_n] , [a_1b_1, a_1b_2, ..., a_nb_{n-1}, a_nb_n]

where a_kb_l is the component wise product, ie a_kb_l = [a_{1,k}*b{1,l}, ..., a_{d,k}*b{d,l}].T . 其中a_kb_l是明智的乘积,即a_kb_l = [a_{1,k}*b{1,l}, ..., a_{d,k}*b{d,l}].T

My solution is the following. 我的解决方案如下。 np.hstack(np.einsum('...j,...l -> j...l', a, b))

Can I go without the h_stack ? 我可以不用h_stack吗?

The following improvement replaces the hstack with a call of reshape . 下面的改进将hstack替换为reshape This releases quite a bit memory pressure when d is high. d高时,这会释放相当大的内存压力。

np.einsum('...j,...l -> ...jl', a, b).reshape(d, -1)

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