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在列表中查找距离最小的 N 个最大元素

[英]Find N largest elements in a list with a minimum distance

I want to extract from a list the N largest elements, but I want that for any two elements x[i] and x[j] , abs(ij) > min_distance .我想从列表中提取 N 个最大的元素,但我想要任何两个元素x[i]x[j]abs(ij) > min_distance

scipy.signal.find_peaks(x, distance=min_distance) offers this functionality. scipy.signal.find_peaks(x, distance=min_distance)提供了这个功能。 However I need to repeat this operation millions of times and I was trying to speed up a bit the operation.但是,我需要重复此操作数百万次,并且我试图加快操作速度。

I noticed that find_peaks does not accept a parameter N to indicate how many peaks you want to extract.我注意到find_peaks不接受参数N来指示您要提取的峰值数量。 It also doesn't allow to return the peaks from largest to smallest, requiring an additional call to l.sort() and l = l[:N] .它也不允许从最大到最小返回峰值,需要额外调用l.sort()l = l[:N]

I tried to code a lazy sorter that only looks for the N largest elements without sorting the rest of the list.我试图编写一个惰性排序器,它只查找 N 个最大的元素,而不对列表的其余部分进行排序。

Following the results obtained here I opted for heapq .根据此处获得的结果,我选择了heapq This is my try:这是我的尝试:

import heapq

def new_find_peaks(x, N, min_distance=0):
    x = enumerate(x)

    x = [(-val,i) for (i,val) in x]

    val, pos = heapq.heappop(x)
    peaks = [(-val, pos,)]

    while len(peaks)<N:

        while True:
            val, pos = heapq.heappop(x)
            d = min([abs(pos - pos_i) for _,pos_i in peaks])
            if d >= min_distance:

        peaks.append((-val, pos,))

    return map(list, zip(*peaks)) #Transpose peaks into 2 lists

This is, however, still 20 times slower than find_peaks , probably due to find_peaks CPython implementation.然而,这仍然比find_peaks慢 20 倍,可能是由于find_peaks CPython 实现。 Also, I noticed that almost half of the time is spent on另外,我注意到几乎一半的时间都花在了

x = [(-val,i) for (i,val) in x]

Do you have any better idea to speed up this operation?你有什么更好的主意来加速这个操作吗?

--- minimal reproducible example --- --- 最小的可重复示例 ---

For example:例如:

x = [-8.11, -7.33, -7.48, -5.77, -8.73, -8.73, -7.02, -7.02,
 -7.80, -10.92, -9.36, -9.83, -10.14, -10.77, -11.23, -9.20,
 -9.52, -9.67, -11.23, -9.98, -7.95, -9.83, -8.89, -7.33,
 -4.20, -4.05, -6.70, -7.02, -9.20, -9.21]

new_find_peaks(x, N=3, min_distance=5)

>> [[-4.05, -5.77, -7.8], [25, 3, 8]]


Note that x[24] is -4.2, but since x[25] is greater and 25-24 < min_distance , this is discarded.请注意, x[24]为 -4.2,但由于x[25]更大且25-24 < min_distance ,因此将其丢弃。 Also note that x[8] is not a real peak, as x[7] is bigger, but this is discarded due to the distance with x[3] .另请注意, x[8]不是真正的峰值,因为x[7]更大,但由于与x[3]的距离而被丢弃。 This is an intended behavior.这是预期的行为。

Improving your code in python could possibly give you some improvement, but as your code seems clean and the algorithm's idea sound, I don't think you will beat find_peaks with a python approach.在 python 中改进你的代码可能会给你一些改进,但由于你的代码看起来很干净而且算法的想法很合理,我认为你不会用 python 方法击败find_peaks

Hence I suggest you write your own library in a language that is closer to the metal, and write your own python wrapper if you need the result in python.因此我建议你用一种更接近金属的语言编写你自己的库,如果你需要 python 中的结果,请编写你自己的 python 包装器。 For instance, you could use Swift.例如,您可以使用 Swift。 Here is an implementation of the heap queue in Swift and here you find described a way to interface with python.是 Swift 中堆队列的一个实现,在这里您可以找到描述的一种与 python 接口的方法。

Connecting the dots is left as an exercise.连接点留作练习。 ;) ;)

In order to speed up the calculations, I wrote a second algorithm that does not use heapq.为了加快计算速度,我写了第二个不使用heapq的算法。 This avoid the whole list to be reshaped in a heap queue.这避免了在堆队列中重塑整个列表。

The new algorithm looks like this新算法看起来像这样

from heapq import nlargest

def find_peaks_fast(x, N, min_distance=0):

    peaks = []
    last_i = 0
    last_peak = x[0]

    for i, val in enumerate(x[1:], 1):

        if i - last_i == min_distance:
            # Store peak

            # Store the new item and move on
            last_peak = val
            last_i = i

        elif val > last_peak:
            last_peak = val
            last_i = i

    return nlargest(N,peaks)

The algorithm scans through the list once and extract all the samples that are higher of both the N samples before and the N samples after.该算法扫描列表一次并提取之前 N 个样本和之后 N 个样本中较高的所有样本。 These are then stored in a list from where only the nlargest elements are extracted using heapq.nlargest然后将它们存储在一个列表中,使用 heapq.nlargest 从中仅提取 nlargest 元素

This, on its own, brings the execution time down to 3.7 ms.就其本身而言,这将执行时间降低到 3.7 毫秒。 Quick, but still almost 4 times slower than scipy's find_peaks.很快,但仍然比 scipy 的 find_peaks 慢近 4 倍。

However, this can be changes using the package numba .但是,这可以使用包numba进行更改。 This aims to "compile" the python code on-the-fly and to execute a compiled version to improve speed.这旨在即时“编译”python 代码并执行编译版本以提高速度。 And it improves it a lot !!它改善了很多

from numba import njit
from heapq import nlargest

from numba.errors import NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning
import warnings

warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning)

def find_peaks_fast(x, N, min_distance=0):

    peaks = []
    last_i = 0
    last_peak = x[0]

    for i, val in enumerate(x[1:], 1):

        if i - last_i == min_distance:
            # Store peak

            # Store the new item and move on
            last_peak = val
        last_i = i

    elif val > last_peak:
        last_peak = val
        last_i = i

return nlargest(N,peaks)

And testing it并测试它

from scipy.signal import find_peaks

from timeit import repeat
from numpy.random import randn

from numba import njit
from heapq import nlargest

def new_find_peaks2(x, N, min_distance=0):

    peaks = []
    last_i = 0
    last_peak = x[0]

    for i, val in enumerate(x[1:], 1):

        if i - last_i == min_distance:
            # Store peak

            # Store the new item and move on
            last_peak = val
            last_i = i

        elif val > last_peak:
            last_peak = val
            last_i = i

    return nlargest(N,peaks)

def new_find_peaks2_jit(x, N, min_distance=0):

    peaks = []
    last_i = 0
    last_peak = x[0]

    for i, val in enumerate(x[1:], 1):

        if i - last_i == min_distance:
            # Store peak

            # Store the new item and move on
            last_peak = val
            last_i = i

        elif val > last_peak:
            last_peak = val
            last_i = i

    return nlargest(N,peaks)

num = 500
rep = 10

N = 20
x = randn(20000)
sep = 10

code1 = '''
i_pks, _  = find_peaks(x, distance=sep)
pks = x[i_pks]
pks = pks[:N]

code2 = '''
_ = new_find_peaks2(x, N=N, min_distance=sep)

code2_jit = '''
_ = new_find_peaks2_jit(x, N=N, min_distance=sep)

i_pks, _  = find_peaks(x, distance=sep)
pks = x[i_pks]
pks1 = pks[:N]
pks2 = new_find_peaks2(x, N=N, min_distance=sep)


t = min(repeat(stmt=code1, globals=globals(), number=num, repeat=rep))/num
print(f'np.find_peaks:\t\t{t*1000} [ms]')

t = min(repeat(stmt=code2, globals=globals(), number=num, repeat=rep))/num
print(f'new_find_peaks2:\t{t*1000} [ms]')

t = min(repeat(stmt=code2_jit, globals=globals(), number=num, repeat=rep))/num
print(f'new_find_peaks2_jit:\t{t*1000} [ms]')

Leads to the result:导致结果:

np.find_peaks:          1.1234994470141828 [ms]
new_find_peaks2:      3.565517600043677 [ms]
new_find_peaks2_jit:  0.10387242998695001 [ms]

That is a x10 speed up!那是一个 x10 的加速!


  • The algorithm could be sped up该算法可以加速
  • numba.njit proved to be an incredible wrapper, increasing the execution of the same function of almost 35 times! numba.njit被证明是一个令人难以置信的包装器,将相同函数的执行次数增加了近 35 倍!

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